Cursed Labs

Cursed Labs

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Cursed Token is the only way into the Cursed DAO that comes with exclusive utilities. 500 Cursed Tokens with a 100% $Zion multiplier attached to it. Stack 4 of them to your Cursed Labs NFT while they are staked, for a maximum daily yield of 400%! Cursed DAO affiliates also gain a secondary source of rewards based on the DAO's personal business ventures.
To be announced
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Über Cursed Labs

Cursed labs represents an industry-first link between web, AirBnB arbitrage, and real world business mechanisms. The goal is to curate the intersection of both physical and digital worlds. We're leveraging state of the art blockchain technology to link our community-based collections with several channels of discounts, staking, and other monthly rewards to our affiliate holders.

Our Consulting agency is focused on servicing both digital and physical businesses.

With a professional back-end development team, discord management, roadmap advisory, and utility refinement techniques, our one-stop-shop will help any founder have a better chance at a successful launch with the Labs focus on trying to ensure the project delivers after mint.


Now, in the real world, if you're interested in earning $1,000-$3,000 a month operating your own Airbnb business, we have packages as well as personal mentoring available to set you up for rental arbitrage success.


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