

Created using Figma
Curacoins is a community token that reflects 5% of every transactions to its holders.
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Über Curacoins

Curacoins is a Binance Smart Chain Token BEP20 with a unique and revolutionary new feature to reach the moon. Curacoins is also a community token that reflects 5% of every transactions on its holders. Community token is a type of cryptocurrency that gives a holder access to a particular community based on the blockchain, with different perks and exclusive rewards available


Rewards Holding

5% of each transaction is redistributed to token holders. Meaning you may earn more Curacoins by way of just preserving them on your wallet. (centralized exchanges/wallets may not apply tokenomics/redistribution)

Locked Liquidty

All initial LP tokens and remaining tokens will be locked.

Auto & Manual Burns

We have burned 40% of the initial supply. 

Charity Wallet

We have a designated charity wallet that receives redistributions that are used to support our charity partners.

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