

Created using Figma
CSATM is a utility token, Which will be used in the crypto ATM's, check cashing for CSATM, and crypto prepaid debit cards.
Giving the end users the ability to facilitate more capital allocation in and out of the crypto markets. Liquidity Providers's will be Rewarded 25% of the profits.
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Über CryptoSmart

Placing the ATM machines, pay checks for crypto, and prepaid crypto debit cards in front of more people by offering new services like check cashing for CSATM to better locate new users.

The everyday person and the unbanked require better solutions and ease of access. More ATMs in underserviced markets brings value for blockchain. New hodlers and Trust. This is the CryptoSmart ATM Ecosystem.

Access to buy and sell crypto. Access to fiat through ATM locations. Cashing of checks for CSATM. Prepaid Credit Cards. Ability to do token swaps on the platform. The all-in-one solution for the everyday person. We envision ease of access so that users can cash thier Government or pay checks for crypto. Spend, withdraw, hold, buy, and sell crypto all in one place. This is the vision of CryptoSmart ATM and the CSATM token is what drives the value.

CryptoSmart Mannschaft

Verifiziert 50%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Nika Marie
CEO, G.M & Founder
Rob Gomen
Project management & Project Development

CryptoSmart Interviews

Rob Gomen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a team member at CryptoSmart ATM (CSATM) token. I manage all the aspects of the project. It's success and outcome.
What do you think about idea?
CryptoSmart ATM Is proposing a world first in crypto the ability to cash your paycheck for crypto by snapping a picture of your paycheck and converting that check to crypto. Alongside ATM locations and prepaid debit cards this gives the unbanked and working person more flexibility and access to the crypto markets.This project is one of a kind as it is the first in the world to propose check cashing for crypto.

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