Crypto Scam Defence

Crypto Scam Defence

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Crypto Scam Defence is the Next stage of DeFi’s evolution with minimized risk of being scammed and one step closer to money revolution.First decentralized solution to protect investors!
To be announced
Weitere Details
Plattform, Datenmanagement

Über Crypto Scam Defence

Based on our blockchain experts’ advisors, we have gathered enough information to identify and predict such practices. We started by aggregating data providers such as Market Link, Chain Link, Etherscan, BscScan etc. to have enough information and based on past projects and their behavior, a set of well-defined algorithms and models will give a score to each newly created crypto.

Our highly motivated professional team found ways that make things work differently. Aggregating various technologies we can scan, compare with past behaviors, track down each transaction made on any network. Analyzing the movement of funds, we scraped and linked over 2.7 million transactions across different blockchains, and we found over 100 000 cases of shifts and come back to the original owner. We collected and analyzed transaction data across eight different blockchains to identify how users interacted and we developed new heuristics and identified various patterns of cross-currency trades.

Ouh highly experienced team developers and blockchain experts’ advisers, they came with a stack of technologies that can make it possible to instant analyze and score any active smart contract. At the time of writing this we gathered enough past data and we started to build models of behaviors.

Crypto Scam Defence Roadmap

  • ✔ February 2021
    ✔ Founder Idea, Research & Analysis
    ✔ March 2021
    ✔ Proof of concept
    ✔ April 2021
    ✔ Onboarding & Strategies
    ✔ May 2021
    ✔ Frontend Beta version Live
    ✔ Backend Data Aggregation started with
    ✔ Market Link
    ✔ Chain Link
    ✔ Etherscan
    ✔ Bsc Scan
    ✔ June 2021
    ✔ Product line up with board of advisers, investors and development team
    ✔ Smart Contracts deployed on Ethereum and Binance blockchains
    ✔ July 2021
    ✔ CSD Frontend V1 Live
    ✔ CSD ITO Smart contract deployed
    ✔ CSD ITO
    August 2021
    ꩄ Exchange listings
    ꩄ Backend MVP live
    ꩄ API Beta Launch
    October 2021
    ꩄ AI MVP Beta version
    ꩄ API V1
    ꩄ Frontend , Backend and API version upgrade
    November 2021
    ꩄ Open Source Contributor Development kit
    December 2021
    ꩄ IOS & Android Mobile apps
    ꩄ Frontend, Backend API version upgrades
    ꩄ Smart contract audit services
    ꩄ Whitelisting services
    ꩄ Verified by CSD Badge
    ꩄ More to come, The journey never ends…

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