

Created using Figma
CropBytes is an online crypto game based on real-world farming, where you truly own assets in the game & use them to provide goods & services to other players or trade, Just like a real economy. Build your farming business in the CropBytes metaverse to grow your $CBX portfolio by playing.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • XT.COM
    CBX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0359
    $ 0.0040
  • ProBit Global
    CBX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0361
    $ 69.826 K
  • LBank
    CBX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0316
    $ 38.38 K
  • Bybit
    CBX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0684
    $ 5.383 K
  • MEXC
    CBX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.4732
    $ 467.684 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über CropBytes

CropBytes is the world's leading virtual economy game based entirely in crypto on the economics of real-world farming. Designed to truly represent the real world, you can work and earn a living within the game, just as you would in real life. It has been 4 years since CropBytes’ inception when the adoption of crypto assets was in its nascent stages. Today traders, players and owners all play a large role within the game economics, allowing the economy to evolve based on the mechanics of demand & supply.

Enter a virtual world where the economy allows you to create, raise and nurture your farm while contributing to the growth of the economy. Grow crops or raise barn animals, supply resources or trade within your community, continue to earn and win huge rewards as you progress within the game.

Games such as Second Skin, World of Warcraft, Habitat, and many others have continually proved the potential of virtual world games where gamers can create whole worlds similar to the real world. Such games have an in-game economy, much like the real world.

The only difference is that the in-built currency has no value outside of the game and players who’ve spent hours on these games cannot cash out the in-game currency. We’re about to change this.

To give every crypto gamer the power to build and own their crypto farm and grow this sustainable metaverse.

REAL WEALTH CREATION: Encourage people to create real wealth by joining the CropBytes revolution.

MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME: To advance CropBytes as the primary source of income for players and gamers.

CRYPTOCURRENCY: Introduce Crypto to millions of users through CropBytes.

COMMUNITY BUILDING: Connect millions of parallel worlds and millions of players into the crypto community.

ENDLESS SIMULATION: Become the largest, ongoing virtual universe in existence with tremendous value creation

There is a complete disconnect between the real world and the games we spend so much time and resources on, which rarely benefits the player in terms of value. Most simulation games don’t have real money and those that do, don’t have a strong economy backing the progress of the game; nor do they take full advantage of blockchain and Crypto.

With CropBytes we’ve brought together the best of the game with an ever-expanding economy that uses cryptocurrency to bridge the gap between real & virtual.

CropBytes Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Guru Vashist
Pradeep Bandireddy
Pradeep Kumar
Game Dev
Sandeep Nailwal
Eric Su
Founder - Exnetwork Capital

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