

Created using Figma
The NFT platform CRIPCO DAO is built by creatives, for creatives.
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100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Seed Sale: 1%;
Private Sale A: 5%
Private Sale B: 5%
Public Sale: 1%
Team: 5%
Advisor: 5%
Marketing/PR: 10%
Treasury: 18%
Liquidity Reward: 50%
Weitere Details

Über Cripco

Whether for art, collectibles, gaming cosmetics or much more besides, it’s clear that NFTs represent the future of digital ownership. However, existing NFT marketplaces are plagued by a number of issues. Open marketplaces represent the wild-west of the NFT world, rife with copycat NFTs, low-quality products and wild speculation, not to mention the legal issues surrounding copyright infringements. Curated marketplaces have improved the user experience, but their opaque decision-making offers little public accountability.

CRIPCO aims to change all that. As the world’s first industry-led DAO NFT platform, it brings together industry stakeholders, brands, artists, influencers, platforms (and others) in the governance of CRIPCO. That way, customers can be assured of the quality, exclusivity, value and utility of their NFTs.

By implementing a Solana-native DAO to handle the curation process and manage platform development, CRIPCO can guarantee transparency in its decision-making, provide public accountability, and ensure the alignment of user and platform interests and outcomes

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