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In der Welt, in der die Anzahl der Kryptowährungsanwender jeden Monat um Millionen wächst, akzeptieren immer noch weniger als 1% der Händler Zahlungen in Kryptowährung. Crassula füllt die Lücke, indem es die Verwendung von Kryptowährung bei täglichen Zahlungen für Waren und Dienstleistungen im Einzelhandel und am Point of Sale einfach und unerlässlich macht.
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Plattform, Kryptowährung

Über Crassula

Crassula makes using of digital currencies easy and essential in everyday payments for goods and services. No matter if it is an online payment or payment at a retail store, our goal is to make the lives of thousands of business owners and millions of people worldwide easier giving them the freedom of paying with cryptocurrency.

With a fully decentralized system, payments are processed in the most transparent and secure environment, eliminating fraud and chargebacks. All transactions are processed in a private blockchain, with anchoring in a public blockchain, this makes them irrevocable, protecting against double-spending and unilateral changes.

Crassula Wallet is a secure and convenient toolkit that allows cryptocurrencies to be held, pay for goods and services, send transfers and more. To start using Crassula Wallet, the user simply verifies his email and phone number, with the ability to skip ID verification at the first step. Crassula Wallet will be available as a web and mobile app working in any browser and with any Android or iOS device. A multi-currency account is created automatically and can be funded with bank transfer, cardpayment or different digital currencies.

Crassula Pay helps to accept payments online and offline with the most popular digital currencies like Bitcoins, Ethereum, Ripple and more. Current and potential beneficiaries include online shops and platforms, small and big retail shops, bakeries and coffee houses, garage sales and farmers markets - Crassula will empower any kind of business to accept payments from the fastest-growing community - cryptocurrency users. Using blockchain technologies and digital currencies allows to implement fully-featured, user-friendly payments in 100% safe and transparent environment.

The final stage of development of Crassula Ecosystem is making it available to everybody, with ability to issue assets, study, contribute and build products. Architecture of private blockchain will allow to construct decentralized transaction processing. Third parties may also in the future develop their own decentralized payment products, which can hold dedicated balances on-chain.

The important component for Crassula Open is a decentralized exchange. While this supports issued tokens from participants, it also supports trading between cryptocurrencies. Crassula Open will create a network of counterparties working within open ledger private blockchain and having the netting transactions that appear in a decentralized system transparent and secure.

All the payments within the system will be processed using the Lightning Network technology, which guarantees irrevocable records, zero chargebacks and significantly eliminate fraud-associated costs. Lightning Network is a generalisation of the idea of payment channels, where two or more users can exchange payments that would normally require a blockchain transaction without needing to use the blockchain or wait for confirmations (except when setting up or closing out the channel).

Crassula Roadmap

  • Februar 2015

  • Start der Firma
  • Mai 2016

  • Händler Onboarding
  • Januar 2017

  • White Label-Dienste
  • Mai 2017

  • 70K monatliche Transaktionen
  • Weiterlesen
  • Nov 2017

  • Token-Verkaufsaktion
  • Q1 2018

  • Crassula Brieftasche Einführung
  • Q2 2018

  • Crassula Offener Start
  • Q4 2018

  • Crassula Pay - E-Commerce
  • Q1 2019

  • Crassula Bezahlen - POS
  • 2020

  • Globale Marktexpansion

Crassula Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Daria Dubinina
Vadim Kalukhov, Phd
Vladislav Nikolayev


$8 542 622

Anatoly Ressin
Blockchain Architect
Evgeny Sheinin
Pavel Voitekhovich
Senior software developer
Andrew Ponochovnyi
UI/UX designer
Vladimir Mantulo
Software developer
Marina Armane
Financial assistant
Kateryna Bondarenko
Community manager
Natalia Drik
Community manager


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Eric Rosenthal
International Blockchain and business growth advis...
Dmitry Danilenko
Business Growth Advisor
Hanno Fichtner
Business Growth advisor, Western Europe & USA
Alexander Novozhenov
Tech & Marketing Advisor
Kshitij Jain Global
Business Growth & Indian Market Expansion Advisor
Maxim Rate
Business Development & Asian Market Expansion Advi...

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