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CoreStarter is a cross-chain fundraising decentralized launchpad with high-yield staking on Polkadot, Ethereum, Binance, Solana, Cardano. CoreStarter provides a decentralized finance protocol for various startups to do fundraising through the CSTR platform with inbuilt staking rewards powered by CoreStarter DAO! NFT Marketplace, Governance, Crowdfunding, Defi-based Investment, and Staking are the main use-cases of CoreStarter.
To be announced
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Über CoreStarter

Corestarter provides a better opportunity for small investors. According to the Corestarter algorithm, small investors can start with any amount and stake their tokens. The longer they stake $CSTR tokens the more chance to win the lottery ticket(s) for the IDO. Minimum 7 days is required to get into any IDO sale.

CoreStarter is a decentralized incubation platform, connecting early stage defi projects with our community of $CSTR holders. $CSTR token holders who qualify for our tier system are guaranteed varied allocation to early sales of projects launching through our platform. Each project that launches through our platform will contribute to our insurance treasury, providing donors in our community a financial protection against potential project failure.

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