Rotman Commerce FinTech Association

Rotman Commerce FinTech Association

Rotman Commerce Fintech Association strives to EDUCATE students about the vast array of financial technologies available, and how to IMPLEMENT technologies to solve various financial problems to increase the competitiveness of Rotman students in the financial sector and other industries.

Über Rotman Commerce FinTech Association

The Rotman Commerce FinTech Association (RC FinTech) is an undergraduate interest group at the University of Toronto. Our mission is to educate students on the growing relevance of technology in finance by providing hands-on learning opportunities to enhance technical and soft skills through workshops and case competitions.

Our Research Portfolio, the first of its kind in the RC Community, is an interdisciplinary team comprised of Commerce and Computer Science students. It is devoted to finding innovative solutions to financial and economic problems and developing novel tools & resources to introduce students to the world of finance and economics.