Republic Financial Holdings

Republic Financial Holdings

Founded in 1837, Republic Bank has become the largest indigenous bank in the Caribbean region with operations in Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Ghana.

Über Republic Financial Holdings

Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL) is the registered owner of all of the Banks in the Republic Group – Republic Bank Limited, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited, Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited, Republic Bank (St Maarten) N.V., Republic Bank (EC) Limited, Republic Bank ( Anguilla) Limited, Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V, Republic Bank (Cayman) Limited, Republic Bank (Ghana) Plc., Republic Bank (BVI), Cayman National Corporation as well as Republic Wealth Management Limited and other subsidiaries. In keeping with international best practice, this holding company was formed with the aim of offering increased operational efficiencies and optimum management of the Group; ultimately leading to greater value for our shareholders and clients while enabling greater strategic focus and diversification.

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