Regulation Asia

Regulation Asia

Regulation Asia tracks and analyses financial regulation across Asia to keep readers informed on the changes and their impacts.

Über Regulation Asia

Regulation Asia is a data-driven financial news and intelligence platform providing regulatory intelligence for Asia Pacific. Traditionally regulation has been the talk of the back-office. But since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008, with increased scrutiny by regulatory and the substantial costs of non-compliance. More and more executives are keeping a watchful eye on regulatory change and trying to figure out its impact on both theirs institution, as well as their clients. Asian regulators are playing catch up to their Western counterparts, and understanding the various nuances and complexities across jurisdictions is time-consuming and burdensome. Regulation Asia seeks to inform and analyze how financial regulations are affecting the financial services industry in Asia. Through our reporting, interviews, research as well as events, conferences, and seminars, we play a key role in the regulatory agenda. Regulation Asia is read by more than 700 institutions, market participants, exchanges, and regulators from across the world.


Manesh Samtani
General Manager

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