Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

The Polish Bitcoin Association was established to increase public awareness of and access to knowledge about the digital technology that Bitcoin represents.

Über Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

The Association's activities are guided by the idea of spreading knowledge and the use of Bitcoin as a freely available means of transaction, so that in the future it will be possible to create an unlimited, open and free of central issuing institutions economy. Cryptocurrency users will be able to dispose of their funds bypassing banks and intermediaries, eliminating commissions and territorial and political restrictions.

The association operates in Poland, bringing together supporters and users of Bitcoin, including programmers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, financiers, accountants and all those interested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its goal is to promote the use of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology through publications (including via the Internet), public appearances, including at conferences, seminars and meetings. Our intention is to reach a wide audience and provide them with knowledge on how to use Bitcoin simply and safely.

In addition, we want to integrate the community of experienced Bitcoin users. We want to create a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience in the field of cryptocurrencies. Whenever possible, we represent the Polish Bitcoin community to tax authorities and financial market regulators on issues related to cryptocurrencies in our country. We also support improving the security of Bitcoin exchanges in Poland.