MMH Blockchain Group

MMH Blockchain Group

A Blockchain and AI company. Formerly MMH Blockchain Group. A business strategy, marketing, PR and events company.

Über MMH Blockchain Group

MMH Teechnology Group is a one stop shop for Strategy, Marketing, PR and Events for Technology companies. From expert guidance on how to market and promote your Technology based company, to providing strategic advice, we will guide you through it all. As a leading Strategy, Marketing, Event and PR Consultant in the industry, we are here to help you reach your goals by providing you with the personalized attention you need. Contact us today to see how we can help.


Emma Todd
Andrew Dick
Marketing & Social Media
Dominique Villanueva
Business Development & PR
Glendon Mcgann
Public Relations & Event Management
Susan Rogerson
Client Relations
Matthew Brown
Marketing & Social Media

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