ICC FraudNet

ICC FraudNet

ICC FraudNet is a worldwide network of leading lawyers who specialise in fraud, international asset tracing and recovery

Über ICC FraudNet

Global Asset Recovery Specialists

ICC FraudNet is a worldwide network of leading lawyers who specialise in fraud, international asset tracing and recovery.

Founded in 2004 by several leading asset recovery lawyers in collaboration with ICC Commercial Crime Services, the anti-crime arm of the Paris based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world business organisation. ICC FraudNet operates from the London office of ICC Commercial Crime Services.

Our mission is to locate and recover assets and proceeds of crime for victims of all types of fraud, including but not limited to corruption, embezzlement, receivership, crypto and Ponzi schemes.

Our members are highly skilled and experienced in managing multi-jurisdictional cases, legal teams and experts; bringing the power of the network to bear on complex cases which results in successful recoveries for victims and debtors.