

Good customer support isn't easy. It's a pain.

Über Helpfeel

Helpfeel is the world's first predictive solution engine that can match almost any query.

Unparalleled 98% hit rate.
Helpfeel expands each question pattern into more than 50 new search predictions. This enables matching results to be shown instantly for almost any search query, including natural language and ambiguous terms. It can also handle typos and grammar mistakes.

Extensive service and support included.
Our customer success team is able to analyze the usage of your FAQ each month. Based on these results we can identify problem areas for your users, propose improvements, and even implement solutions. You don't need to do analysis by yourself.

Managed implementation.
Our team takes care of everything to enable Helpfeel for your existing FAQ, or to import your content. The design can be totally customized to match your site or app UI. We can save you tons of time on organizing content and implementation.

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