Episode Six

Episode Six

Create payment products your customers will love From Top 50 global banks to fintechs, E6 gives you powerful infrastructure to quickly deliver industry-leading payments solutions and the flexibility to adapt in real time. No matter the changing trends, you’ll be in the lead with our payment technology.

Über Episode Six

Trusted by banks. Delivered by experts.

Imagine a world where 21st century opportunity isn’t constrained by decades old technology. E6 helps banks and brands leave legacy payments technology behind, leapfrog their competition and build payments products their customers love. 

Our co-founders have been making waves in the global payments industry for decades, developing payments programs before the term "fintech" was even a thing. 

In addition to creating products like interest-bearing prepaid accounts and ubiquitious top-up channels, they also gained a keen understanding of the limitations of legacy payments technology, and the pain associated with trying to innovate using outdated solutions.

With a deep understanding of the industry pain points and a vision of the enormous opportunity in the paytech arena, the three co-founders of E6 came together in 2015 to build and launch TRITIUM® a platform that helps banks and fintechs leave legacy behind and build payments products their customers love. 

From there, they attracted several visionary allies within key payments industry players to support E6, as they built a global team to bring their vision to market. They currently have employees in 35+ countries and support clients on 5 continents.

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