Africa Master Blockchain Company

Africa Master Blockchain Company

AMBC is a Fin-Tech company

Über Africa Master Blockchain Company

Africa Master Blockchain Company (AMBC) is the leading expert in Fintech and Blockchain services in Afirca. We strive to create a unified African digital currency as well as a state of the art digital payment platform for all users to be able to achieve financial freedom and independence. AMBC’s flagship project as well as first phase is to create a custom designed publicly traded digital currency called AfriUnionCoin (AUC) to be used for international remittances, international trade and payments as well as investment and speculative traded.

In addition to AUC, AMBC has designed a day to day transaction stable currency called AfriNationalToken (ANT) which will be the main medium of value transaction within each African country.

AMBC will digitise Africa and create never before able interactivity between each country in Africa as well as internationally.

The next step for Africa is a digital one, and we are proud to have AfriUnionCoin be the leading step for the first fully digital currency and payment system which has real value, is safe and the single currency for Africa through low fees, fast money transfer and high security of blockchain.




George Gordon
Kgalema Motlanthe
Honourary Chairman
Hillow Maeko

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