Coinseed ICO

Coinseed ICO

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Coinseed sammelt automatisch Ihre Kleingeld und investiert sie in ein Portfolio von Kryptowährungen. Wir haben auch das Tool "Portfolio Management", mit dem Sie Ihr Portfolio mit einem Klick ändern können.
100% abgeschlossen
$1 000 000
100% ziel abgeschlossen
100% abgeschlossen
$1 000 000
100% ziel abgeschlossen
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Weitere Details

Über Coinseed ICO

As cryptocurrency prices keep breaking their all-time highs, the general public is ever more interested in investing in cryptocurrencies. Although the early adopters and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are enjoying great returns on their investments, most of the general public are still either not sure where to start or reluctant to invest huge sums of money as the cryptocurrency prices are very volatile.

Coinseed aims to solve this problem by providing easy access for the people to make microinvestments in cryptocurrencies. Our users can link their credit card and pick the portfolio of cryptocurrencies that they want to invest in. The rest is on us. We will automatically collect the spare change by rounding up their purchase’s amount to the next dollar. Additionally, our users can convert their existing portfolio into a new one. We call this feature “Portfolio Management” and no other cryptocurrency platform has this feature of converting a portfolio into another portfolio. Currently, we have 8 different cryptocurrencies on our platform including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ripple, Monero, Litecoin and ZCash. We are adding more cryptocurrencies every month.

We recognize that millennials and university students are the most interested in investing in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, but they do not know where to start and/or do not have much of a savings to invest it in the first place. This makes them the perfect target market for Coinseed with nearly 92 million millennials representing more than a quarter of the US population. In fact, millennials are the largest generation in US history.

To undertake this ambitious goal of disrupting the micro-investment industry in the US and globally, we have successfully proven the proof of concept with our first version of the Coinseed platform (app available on iOS and Android), and we need the cryptocurrency community’s support to accelerate our growth and global expansion. This is a game-changer. Our platform will change how people invest, which in turn further fuels the growth of the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry as a whole. By supporting the Coinseed platform, you can share the profit by purchasing Coinseed’s CSD tokens. We will distribute the share of the profit to the CSD token holders every month.

Our Pre-Sale ICO of $1.5 million is set to start on December 20, 2017 with up to 35% bonus. After the round closures, and if it matches our expectations, we will aim for our ICO to start on March 20, 2018, in order to obtain a total of $5 millions of financial leverage which takes our platform to the next stage of fast growth and development


  • Portfoliomanagement.
  • Community.
  • Vermögenswerte konvertieren.

Coinseed ICO Roadmap

  • 2017

  • Start of Development
    Launch of Beta
    Launch on iOS and Android
  • 2017 September 1st

  • Development started
  • 2018

  • Global Launch
    ICO Start
    Integration of Debit Cards
    Enterpride Solution for Companies
    Automated Bot Trading
  • 2017 October 15th

  • App beta release
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2017 November 21

  • App public release in the US
  • 2017 December 20th

  • Token Pre-sale
  • 2018 March 14

  • Global launch
  • 2018 March 20th

  • ICO
  • 2018 May 1st

  • Account integrated debit cards (US)
  • 2018 July 1st

  • Enterprise solution for companies
  • 2018 August 1st

  • User generated automated bots
  • 2018 September 1st

  • Bots ranking

Coinseed ICO Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Del Davaasambuu
Founder & Developer
Sukhbat Lkhagvadorj
Co-founder & CFO
Undra Bayarsaikhan
Blockchain Specialist
Temuge Enkhbaatar
Back-end Developer
Gerelt Tserenjigmid
Game theorist

Coinseed ICO Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 2
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

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Coinseed is a cryptocurrency investment app that makes it easy to deposit your spare change into cryptocurrencies. You sign up for Coinseed, connect your bank cards to the app, then the app automatically rounds up every payment you make to the nearest dollar. Your “spare change” from each purchase is added to your Coinseed account, and you can choose to invest in one or more cryptocurrencies automatically through the app.

The Coinseed app launched for iOS and Android users in the United States in November, and it appears to be facing big demand so far. The company has scheduled a pre-ICO for December to January as it continues to roll out nationwide and worldwide.

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