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Join now the revolution of future's local commerce "Buy as always, enjoy like never before" is Coincas' claim. Since 2017, Coincas has been developing a decentralized solution which aims to reward customers with points (tokens), gratifying their purchases in local commerce and e-commerce. A system on the Binance Blockchain leveraging smart contract technology.
To be announced
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Über Coincas

In 2017 was born to create a coin focused in local commerce and e-commerce. In 2021 we launch our token: CoinCAS.
CoinCAS in on #BSC, a currency to grow the digital development of local commerce.

Our history

Founders of CoinCAS have 2 local businesses in a small town at Seville (Spain), which is called Casariche (hence the name CAS for the coin). They are also on the board of the provincial merchants association, made up of a lot of local commerces.
The main interest is to sell more in local businesses, and now with Covid everything is very slow, so a reinvent is necesary.
Years ago this website and a mobile APP were created, and when a customer bought in the shops of the town, he received points and with those points he could exchange them for gifts in the shops. The APP was not good enough and only a paper solution ended up being implemented: a paper card where shops put stamps and after 10 stamps customer had a gift.
Now with the pandemic, the physical card is not a good idea, and since customers already use their mobile phone and QR code reader applications to read the restaurant menu, we have decided to resume the project. In addition, the idea may be used anywhere in the world, so a decentralized CAS token have been created.
There are local businesses where implant it? Yes, most of the shops in town are going to use it. Can it be extended to other cities? Surely yes. Begin in a controlled environment is important and when everything work fine, it will be our use case.
A lot of big new currencies with many resources, the best talent and expensive marketing are being created, but when we go down to the neighborhood the resources change. Nobody is thinking about very small businesses.

Coincas Roadmap

  • Before 2021: Idea

  • - Detect the need to boost sales
    - Simple website & mobile APP
    (customers receive points with bough)
    - Physical paper card implementation
    (for 10 stamps, customer had a gift)
  • Now 2021: Token & APP

  • - Profesional website & tokens
    - Token CAS & Smart Contract
    - Create big Community around CoinCAS
    - Launch beta APP
    - First beta users & commerces
  • 2022: World Coverage

  • - Agreements with different partners
    - Expansion for many businesses
    - Large marketing campaign
    - Global reach and outstanding commitment to small business

Coincas Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Manuel Parrado
Co-founder, marketing
Jose M. Avila
Co-founder, CEO, developer
Izan A. Carrasco
Technology developer
Ivan Fresas
Software engineer

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