Coinary Token

Coinary Token

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This token is used as a cryptocurrency / main token within Coinary multiverse, Dragonary included. Each purchase in Dragonary and other Coinary games will be done with $CYT. Coinary marketplace will convert the cryptocurrencies received from users into $CYT, and these will be deposited in each user account selling items in the marketplace.
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Über Coinary Token

Dragonary changes "the name of the game": instead of investing large amounts of time and maybe money just to be able to advance and improve or finish playing, we offer a new perspective on the player/game relation. It is a free game, and you can access it easily on a PC, laptop, Mac, or any Android and iOS mobile device. Our main difference from other games is that the entire economy of the game is defined between players. This means that all the elements that are parts of the game's market, such as items and values, are tradable. Therefore, if you acquire an item today, you can exchange it or transfer it tomorrow. If that item was consumed to improve a dragon, that dragon will increase in quality and consequently, in value in the game. Everything is connected, so every act of exchange or consumption is transformed, not lost, adopting the theory that nothing disappears, but everything is transformed. Our main goal is that you feel the enthusiasm to progress until you reach the goal (as with any title you look forward to), and without realizing it, you receive a reward for all the time spent to improve and evolve each of your dragons, even if you are not an experienced player in the crypto-currency world.

Coinary Token Roadmap

  • 2021

  • First Quarter:
    Game idea and concept. ✅
    Team building. ✅
    First internal demonstration. ✅
    Second Quarter:
    Launch of Coinary Token (CYT) on Callisto Network. ✅
    Launch of Coinary Hub (BETA).✅
    Eggs pre-sale.✅
    Waiting list with +10,000 players. ✅
    Third Quarter:
    Launch token (CYT) on Binance Smart Chain ✅
    Alpha version of the game to a private group of players (+700 players).✅
    Launch of the public beta version of the game. ✅
    Launch of the Marketplace. ✅
    The connection between Coinary Token with the Binance Smart Chain.✅
    Waiting list with +30,000 players.✅ (Currently +500k)
    Activation of PVP Arena.
    Graphical improvements of PvE enemies.✅
    Play Store release ✅
    Fourth Quarter:
    Islands sale.
    First major Dragonary update (2 new base dragons for each element), new missions, new enemies, clans, PVP between friends).
    Coinary Day, with more announcements about Dragonary's plans.
  • 2022

  • First Quarter:
    First competitive Dragonary tournament (eSport).
    Second Quarter:
    Launch of game mode with Islands.

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