

Created using Figma
ChadTrader is a web based trading platform with several tools for automatizing and
managing orders to facilitate trading-related labors. Furthermore, it allows
ChadTrader users to manage multiple exchange accounts in one single platform.

ChadTrader is introducing a Solana based cryptographic token, named $CHAD,
which is aimed to be used in cryptocurrency exchanges such as SerumDEX.
$CHAD presents a fixed supply. Like other cryptocurrencies, units of $CHAD are
fungible and transferable, and they will be expected to be traded on cryptocurrency
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 40 000.00 USD
Limit 200 000.00 USD
Airdrop 200000
IDO (initial DEX Offering) 200000
Liquidity and Stacking 3000000
Advisors 650000
Marketing 650000
Team 3500000
Tech 1000000
Ecosystem and partnerships 1000000
Total 10.000.000
Eingetragenes Land
United States, Spain
Weitere Details

Über ChadTrader

By staking a certain amount of tokens, Chad Token holders will get access to
ChadTrader features:
ChadTrader features are currently ranked by Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3:

- Tier 1:

“Tier 1” includes the following features:
- Value At Risk.
- Account Balances.
- Dynamic Track Record.
“Tier 1” features can be used in 1 cryptocurrency exchange
, with 1
account simultaneously. “Tier 1” features are available for token
holders with 1,000 - 4,999 $CHAD coins.

- Tier 2:

Includes every feature in “Tier 1” plus:
- Position Size.
- Trades Scanner.
- Telegram Notifier.
“Tier 2” features can be used in any cryptocurrency exchange
, with 1
account per exchange. “Tier 2” features are available for token
holders with 5,000 - 9,999 $CHAD coins.

- Tier 3:

Includes every feature in “Tier 2” plus:
- Smart Margin.
- Auto-Multi-TP.
- Smart PA TrailingStop.
- Early Alpha Access.
“Tier 3” features can be used in any cryptocurrency exchange
, with
any account. “Tier 3” features are available for token holders with at
least 10,000 $CHAD coins.
: available in our list. Our list is not final and may change.


ChadTrader platform offers the possibility to connect to multiple exchanges through
API to perform all the basic API features and a new range of trading tools(currently
under development):

1. -Smart Margin: Orders get stored until the price is close enough, saving
margin in accounts at every moment.

2. -Smart PA (Price Action) Trailing Stop: By following a Price-Action based
algorithm, the system will automatically relocate stop-loss orders when the
market fluctuates, limiting human error and securing a better exit point.

3. -Position Size: An option to automatically calculate the order size of placed
orders, according to the desired $Risk quantity (how much $ could be lost) or
%Risk account (account percentage that could be lost).

4. -Auto-Multi-TP: When an order is filled, the system sets up calculated
"Take-Profit" orders. Settings can be adjusted to individual needs.

5. -Trades Scanner: Tracking algorithm in search of potential trades, showing
entry and stop points at a certain target price. Potential trades are ranked by
risk/reward ratios.

6. -Telegram Notifier: A telegram bot to alert users in real-time about entry
points, stop-loss modifications, filled "take-profit" orders, and filled
"stop-loss" orders.

7. -Account Balances: Display the current PnL, spot and wallet balances
available in accounts through 2D graphs.

8. -Dynamic Track Record: Show metrics about trading performance. These
metrics are related to:
● Individual trades; Maximum Adverse Excursion (MAE) / Maximum
Favorable Excursion (MFE)...
● Risk measures; Risk of Ruin…
● Benchmark measures; Profit Factor, Sharpe Ratio…
● Benchmark performance against passive strategies (buy and
hold/Moving Average) or against other traders...
● And more...

9. -Value At Risk: Calculate the total value at risk through the real PnL formula
(amount*(price-stop)) and the real account value ($Account - $Risk)
displayed in a 2D graph.

ChadTrader Roadmap

  • Q2 2021

  • Implement the $CHAD token on the Solana network.
  • Q3 2021

  • Distribute initial $CHAD token through an IDO.

    Implement the CHAD/USDC market to allow users to buy $CHAD with USDC.

    Publish the CHAD technical paper.

    Start the alpha version and testing.
  • Q4 2021

  • Implement the consensus network to decide the future features of ChadTrader.

    Finish Chadtrader alpha version and testing.

    Release alpha version of ChadTrader.

ChadTrader Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Enrique Monpean Garc...
Algorithmic Trader/Math
Kurt Rauffer
Jose Fernández
Software Eng
Kirsten Rauffer
Software Eng

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