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Welcome to the Ceres ecosystem, the concepts of burning, airdrops and governance in one place. You could either watch it happen or be a part of it.
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Über Ceres

Ceres is the first project to build on the SORA network. They specialize in developing DeFi services and utilities for projects on the SORA network and tokens on Polkaswap. There are also three airdrop tokens for Ceres holders: Demeter, Hermes and Apollo. Each of the tokens will have its own platform with different purposes. Fees from those platforms will be used for burning and other ecosystem uses.

 Demeter (DEO) is the first airdrop token with its platform called Demeter Farming Platform. Users are able to farm in multiple pools with the same LPs. Furthermore, all liquidity providers in Demeter Farming pools will get PSWAP rewards the same as before because they will not give their liquidity to the platform as is the case with smart contracts on ERC-20, BSC, and other networks. The Demeter Farming platform is not only beneficial to users who seek to put the tokens they are hodling to work. This platform provides Farming-as-a-Service feature which other projects can use to create farming for their tokens without coding. Demeter (DEO) token will have the first Play-to-Earn game on SORA - DEO Arena in which users will use DEO token for playing the game.

Ceres Roadmap

  • Q12022

  • ● Ceres Liquidity Locker
    ● Ceres Token Locker
    ● Ceres Governance Platform
    ● Ceres Staking v2
  • Q22022

  • DEO Polkaswap Listing
    ● Demeter Farming Platform
    ● Ceres Launchpad
    ● DEO Arena P2E Game
  • Q32022

  • ● Hermes Snapshot
    ● Hermes Polkaswap Listing

Ceres Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

CEO & Founder
Lead developer & Founder
Marketing manager & Founder

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