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Candy Area is a new PlayToEarn(P2E) project based on BSC Network.
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Built for enterprise use, Coin offers banks and Reading the Whitepaper to fully understand the project before investing in it should be prioritized. That’s why we created a this detailed document, which has been reviewed by thir-parties and advisors, that includes legal and insturstry experts

Gaming - Play to Earn

Candy Area is a decentralized gaming project with the purpose to connect play to earn game with crypto and bring everyone as much fun and joy as possible. Candy is aiming to bring crypto adoption to the mainstream with a unique concept by connecting adventure gaming with crypto.

Area's Metaverse

What could be even more fun then going on an adventure with area? Right, going on an adventure together with your friends in Area's Metaverse. Exciting Challenges,Quests and PvP Tournaments are waiting for you.

Area NFTs

The Area NFT collection will consist of different Characters which you will be able to play in the Metaverse and Wearables which your character can wear.

Area Swap

Aiming to be the number 1 DEX for trading your favourite meme coins with the lowest fees.

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