

Created using Figma
CADASCAN - Automatic Reward System – NFT Marketplace - GAMEON Gaming Center - Endless Ongoing Expansion
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Über CanadaCoin

We plan to change the DeFi space by using our custom built CADASCAN that will have many features to help you determine if a project is a scam or not. CADACOIN is a charity token that teams up with organizations around the world to find sports programs for underprivileged youth. Our mission is to show the positive impact that cryptocurrency can have in today's society, one donation at a time.

Canada Coin started as a charity based token set out to help underprivileged kids around the world get into sports and other activities. From there our innovative devs saw a huge problem in the DeFi space, RUG PULLS. This motivated them to create Cadascan. A scan like no other in the crypto world. We plan on leading the movement against rug pulls to save our amazing DeFi community.

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