BTC Proxy

BTC Proxy

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Revolutionary Bitcoin and $PRXY reward system for Liquidity Providers of BTC.
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Über BTC Proxy

BTC Proxy is a multi-institutional protocol for the decentralized tokenization of Bitcoin on ERC20 and MRC20 formats utilizing the Proxy Relay. This gives Bitcoin holders a decentralized bridge to stake their Bitcoin into custody and transfer that value into an onto Ethereum or Polygon chains without the need for centralized exchanges and systems that exponentially increase the counterparty risk of theft or loss. BTC Proxy also allows for the transfer of value without price slippage and is independent of liquidity which is a factor that affects exchange prices on Centralized exchanges and Decentralized exchanges. 


Treasury regulated API
Proxy is designed with long-term protocol sustainability, with backing from institutional liquidity.

Balanced protection
The fewer PRXY staked, the higher APY. PRXY is evenly distributed for staking rewards. More PRXY staked reduces the APY, but pushes PRXY price higher, creating a balance that protects your investment.

sPRXY token
The staked PRXY Token is issued at a 1:1 Ratio to PRXY. sPRXY will rebase and change to reflect the increasing amount of PRXY you have earned.

Treasury revenue
Bond Sales and LP Fees increase the Treasury Revenue and lock in liquidity to help control PRXY supply.

Treasury growth
Inflow from bonds is used to increase treasury balance and back outstanding PRXY tokens which regulates staking APY.

liquidity control
Purchasing liquidity allows the protocol to pair it with BTCpx and allocate resources as needed.

Bitcoin farming
The only protocol that allows you to farm Bitcoin. Stake $PRXY for a share of the transaction fees from the minting and redeeming of BTCpx. These fees are paid in BTCpx and redeemable for Bitcoin.

Interest bearing iBTCpx
Institutional partners and LPs of BTC can earn stable interest rewards to enhance their Bitcoin holdings.

Voting by different communities including Core Developers, Partners, Token Holders, and DAO Members.

BTC Proxy Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Donnie Kim
Founder / CEO
Vinod Morkile
Dominic Tullo
Design Director
Jim Hong
Research Analyst

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