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Bootstrap is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) running on the Solana blockchain
To be announced
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Über Bootstrap

By utilizing DAO governance, Bootstrap aims to facilitate guerrilla (non-traditional) marketing campaigns with infinite reiteration. Leveraging our community to organize non-traditional marketing campaigns holds a significantly larger reach in comparison to traditional marketing strategies.

We combine the creative aspects that Social DAOs curate with the organizational ability of well established protocols. Bootstrap DAO compensates members for their contributions while also delivering marketing results for a variety of clients.

BOOT is a Solana native SPL token that acts as both a social and governance token for Bootstrap DAO. As a social token, users must hold a minimum of 100 BOOT tokens to gain access to the token-gated Discord server and also must be a member in order to be compensated for their work.

As a governance token, BOOT holders will receive voting power dependent on the amount of tokens they possess. Holding the BOOT token is required for membership into the DAO and is designed to be low-cost: creating a low barrier to entry for all individuals.

BOOT is allocated as such:

  • 55% Public: These tokens are allocated to the liquidity pool for public use and availability for purchase.
  • 20% DAO Treasury: These tokens are reserved for the Bootstrap DAO Treasury and can be allocated as token holders see fit. This treasury will be controlled by the Bootstrap Team's multi-sig wallet in the early stages of the DAOs operation. The treasury will eventually move to be fully controlled by token holders.
  • 10% Growth fund: These tokens will be allocated to the DAO Treasury reserve and also will be controlled by the teams multi-sig wallet in the early stages of the DAOs operations. These tokens will be used for the purpose of compensating the work of initial Bootstrap DAO members and/or for potential partnerships.
  • 15% Team: These tokens are allocated to the founding team and are held in a team wallet. These tokens have yet to be allocated to individual team members and are subjected to a 2 year vesting schedule.

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