BNBRich Token

BNBRich Token

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#BNBRich is a complete ecosystem , Automatic dividend BNB, Automatic Decreasing Sales Tax Mechanism. based on a next generation, first of kind smart contract. Hold $BRich, earn $BNB.
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Über BNBRich Token

BNBRich plans to be a complete DeFi ecosystem on the Binance smart chain by Q1 2023 using next-generation, first of kind blockchain technology. Meanwhile, you can hold BRich and earn BNB dividends as a passive income

Besides being a highly community driven token and having a very talented team, BRich Token has a powerful token mechanism-Automatic reduction of sales tax and high dividends of BNB. When the BNB in ​​the liquidity pool increases, the sales tax will automatically decrease according to the amount of BNB. Initial tax rate Buy: 6% Sell: 24%(15% of BNB reward). When the BNB in ​​the pool is greater than 200B, the first sales tax will be reduced by 18%

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