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Letztes Update


Bloxia ist der erste Blockchain Accelerator, der Menschen und künstliche Intelligenz mit einem von der Gemeinschaft betriebenen One-Stop-Ecosystem kombiniert. Bloxia hat die Welt von Blockchain & Crypto erweitert und setzt sie in großen Mengen ein.
Pre/Private Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 BLOX
    0.048 USD
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details

Über Bloxia

Das Problem:

Blockchain kann als die grundlegendste technologische Revolution der letzten Jahrzehnte angesehen werden und kann unser tägliches Leben in vielerlei Hinsicht beeinflussen. Leider ist diese neue Welt derzeit voller Barrieren: Die meisten Menschen haben keinen einfachen Zugang, keine vorurteilslosen Ratschläge, sie haben massive Sicherheits- und Datenschutzbedenken und es ist schwierig, Blockchain-basierte Anwendungen zu nutzen Dienstleistungen. Kurz gesagt: Blockchain ist derzeit wie Internet ohne Webbrowser. Aber ohne Massenübernahme können die Vorteile von Blockchain & amp; DLT wird nicht in Kraft treten, die meisten auf Token basierenden Dienste werden scheitern, wir werden keine dauerhafte Integration im Alltag sehen, die Volatilität der Kryptowährungen wird erhalten bleiben und die aktuellen Krypto-Investoren werden großen Verlusten gegenüberstehen.
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Unsere Vision:

Bloxia beseitigt alle Barrieren, die die Menschenmassen gesperrt haben, und schafft eine einzigartige Community mit Millionen von Benutzern. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass jeder mit einem einfachen Smartphone plötzlich mit wenigen Klicks Cryptocurrencies besitzen kann. Lassen Sie sich von einer einzigartigen Kombination aus künstlicher + menschlicher Intelligenz beraten. Speichern Sie digitale Assets in der weltweit ersten mobilen Hardware-Brieftasche. Kaufen und tauschen Sie Kryptowährungen so einfach wie nie zuvor. Nehmen Sie mit einem einzigen Klick an tokenbasierten Diensten teil. Keine Angst vor Vorschriften wegen Gesetzeskonformität. Dies würde die Welt von Blockchain & amp; Kryptowährungen für Millionen neuer Benutzer und Milliarden frisches Kapital. Dies würde die digitale Revolution beschleunigen. Dies ist Bloxia.

& nbsp;

Die Lösung:

loxia ist der erste Blockchain-Beschleuniger und kombiniert Human & amp; Künstliche Intelligenz in einem gemeinschaftsorientierten One-Stop-Ökosystem.

Bloxia vereint alle diese einzigartigen Funktionen in einer aufgeladenen, aber einfach zu bedienenden App, die sich schließlich mit der Masse verbindet und von wirklich jedem genutzt werden kann. Alle Kernfunktionen von Bloxia sind kostenlos, so dass jeder Zugang zur Blockchain-Welt ohne Hindernisse hat. Im Ökosystem ist unser Token BLOX (ERC-20) das Verknüpfungselement und bietet den Bloxia-Anwendern zahlreiche Vorteile. BLOX wird im und um das Ökosystem herum zirkulieren, Premium-Services anbieten und "Bergbau durch Loyalität" aktivieren.


Bloxia finally unlocks Blockchain & Crypto for mass adoption by simplifying the current complexity in a safe and regulatory compliant wallet-based ecosystem with 4 frameworks:

  • B|SAFE - The Revolution of Security:
    Meet the most secure Smartwallet with its unique SafeKey security vault and Icewallet, the world’s first hardware wallet for smartphones. From now on your private keys are locked in a pocket size Fort Knox and you can manage them hassle-free whenever you want. B|SAFE handles 50 Coins/Tokens right from start and adds more on behalf of the Bloxia Community. The built-in exchange function allows to manage all your assets in one place without leaving Bloxia. B|SAFE integrates seamlessly with the whole Bloxia ecosystem. Receive rewards, store your digital identity or add data from Blockchain services.
  • B|SMART – AI-Predictions & 1-Click Crypto Shop:
    B|SMART comes with the BLIX – the most sophisticated cryptocurrency market data powered by AI. For the first time Bloxia merges market, business and media data and creates AI-Predictions backed by an expert community. Good bye “Pump & Dump”: B|SMART will revolutionize crypto investing by combining artificial and human intelligence for better investment decisions. Buying coins/tokens becomes as easy as buying shoes: Just a few clicks within B|SMART and everyone can invest. Either single coins/tokens or AI-based Smartfolios. Easily stored in B|SAFE, convenient payed with BLOX or FIAT.

  • B|SIGNED - The SSO Identity Protocol:
    Regulations require KYC procedures for most token-based services. We help users to keep in full control of their data: They get a unique BloxiaID which becomes their decentralised virtual identity where only the users decide which data is shared with whom. In future, the BloxiaID is the only needed KYC-process to unlock other token-based services with just a single click in our marketplace and extending the Bloxia app with useful applets.

  • B|LOYAL - Mining by Loyalty - Crypto in Daily Life:
    When buying at hundreds of the top online-shops and brands, Bloxia users get rewarded with BLOX that are directly credited in their wallet. Bloxia enables a new kind of mining for everyone and B|LOYAL turns B|SAFE into the first self-filling wallet. With every purchase, the value of the BLOX token will rise. Bloxia users will experience a real day-to-day integration and the customer awareness for Blockchain-solutions will rise.

Bloxia Roadmap

  • Q4|17

  • - Vision & Concept
    - Technical Proof of Concept
    - Seed investment
    - Build core team
  • Q1|18

  • - Whitepaper development
    - Found & register Bloxia GmbH
    - Partnership dev ressources
    - Partnership legal consulting
    - Partnership 100 brands & shops
  • Q2|18

  • - Develop smart contracts
    - Develop own ICO platform
    - Start prototype development
    - Prepare and submit patent
    - Partnership 200 brands & shops
  • Q3|18

  • - Token sale (ICO)
    - Recruiting to extend units
    - Evaluation OEM partnership
    - Development B|SAFE, B|SMART 
    - Integrate prototype in B|CONNECTED
    - Add 1-2 exchange listings
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4|18

  • Closed beta (50-100k users) with 
B|SAFE, B|SMART and B|LOYAL Strategic partnerships.
  • Q1|19

  • - B|SAFE: Smartwallet, Wallet-Vote, Exchange
    - B|SMART: Blix-Trade, Direct Buy, Academy
    - B|LOYAL: 300 Shops
  • Q2|19

  • - B|SMART: AI-Predictions, Bloxperts
    - B|SMART: Portfolios, Blix-Trend
    - B|LOYAL: 600 Shops
  • Q3+4|19

  • - B|SAFE: Icewallet, P2P-Payments
    - B|SMART: Gift Cards
    - B|SIGNED: BloxiaID, Marketplace
  • Q1+2|20

  • - B|SMART: AI-Bloxbot
    - B|SIGNED: Applets
  • Q3+4|20

  • - B|LOYAL: Interlinked Network
    - B2B Whitelabel

Bloxia Mannschaft

Verifiziert 55%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Lars Wilde
Co-Founder, Lead: Operations & Architecture
Muhammad Usman
Co-Founder, Lead: API & Mobile
Manoveg Saxena
Co-Founder, Lead: Blockchain & AI
Romina Weber
Lead: Loyalty & Project Management
Siddharth Mittal
Lead: Engineering & AI-Processing
Kathrin Röhren
Lead: Marketing
Julia Kayser
Community & Support
Megha Khandelwal
India: Engineering & Recruiting
Artyom Vorobyov
Technical Process Architect Blockchain
Alexey Nevsky
Software Engineer Blockchain
Olga Borisyonok
BA/UX Analyst


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Rishab Dhar
Advisor Blockchain, Deloitte Digital
Chris Howard
Advisor Technology, Softeq Corp.
Prof. Dr. Zakir Ali
Advisor Ecosystem, Bundelkhand University


$8 400 000

Ong Jun Hao
Advisor Business, Blockconnectors


$36 656 410

Leonard Tan
Advisor Ethereum, ConsenSys
Dr. Zlatko Zahariev
Supporter Cryptography, Mathematician

Bloxia Interviews

Lars Wilde
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am FinTech-enthusiast and entrepreneur who looks back on 18 years of experience in the fields of E-Commerce, Application Development and Big Data Processing. I have been working with well-known financial institutions in Europe like Santander, DKB, Sparkassen Finanz-Informatik, MasterCard. In the last years I have been working at the platform paycentive - which is the first payment linked loyalty platform in Germany. I invented the platform, developed it and I am still board member to help growing it (already 30 banks use it). But after many years and projects in the world of institutional finance, I became more and more aware of the limitations and disadvantages. I explored DLT & Blockchain and started to trade with Crypto. But for someone like me - who looks always from the perspective of customers and how I can make products accessible for them - it was terrible. So many show stoppers, that make it even hard to enter this world for technicians! Soon it was clear for me, that this world is not ready for mass adoption but without most of the ideas and visions won´t survive. Then we could only wait till banks and established companies adopt the technology and bring it to the people in their way. But this is not the vision of blockchain & crypto and we can´t rely on that. This thought was the birth of Bloxia.
Muhammad Usman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
At Bloxia, my job responsibilities include,

• API framework development.
• Setting up scalable back-end infrastructure.
• Cross platform mobile application for IOS and Android (React-Native).
• Creating Ethereum Smart Contract.
Manoveg Saxena
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to research and develop AI based components of the project. I have extensive experience in data science related tasks including machine learning. I am bringing this knowledge over to this project to develop it as AI first product. The final product will have AI embedded in most of the parts to enhance it's functionality and optimise the performance, user experience, and overall functionality.
Romina Weber
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In charge of the project management and head of B|LOYAL
Kathrin Röhren
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Marketing
Julia Kayser
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Responsible for Marketing & Community Management

Bloxia Letzte Nachrichten

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  • Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass Probleme oder Probleme bei diesem Inhalt behoben werden müssen, oder wenn Sie Ihr eigenes ICO-Projekt zur Aufnahme einreichen möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail.
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