Blockchain Land

Blockchain Land

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Blockchain land is the worlds first multichain metaverse. BCL is the utility token used throughout the Blockchain Land ecosystem as the basis for transactions and interactions. It is a BEP-20 utility token built on the Binance smart chain.
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Über Blockchain Land

A planet is the biggest parcel in Blockchain Land. It's like owning a parallel world of your own. In the Blockchain Land universe, only 6 planets can be minted, The first planet would be minted by the creators of Blockchain Land. Whenever a planet will be minted on Blockchain Land 5% of the total supply of BCL will be burned. Planet owners can create their infrastructure using assets on our marketplace, they can also sell and trade land on their planet.

Blockchain Land Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ganesh Lore
Founder & CEO
Ariane R. Cardoso
Chief Marketing Officer
Nipoon Agarwal
Chief Operating Officer
Raj Ladumor
Chief Metaverse Architecture
Sunny Sheladiya
Chief Technology Officer

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