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Ein zuverlässiges und sicheres Zahlungssystem. Ein zuverlässiges und sicheres Zahlungssystem, das zum ersten Mal in physischen und Online-Shops wirklich zugänglich ist. Dank des Erweiterungsprogramms von Wings Mobile wird der Zahlungskreis WINGS PAY bis zum Jahr 2021 in 36 Ländern und in mehr als 10.000 Geschäften erhältlich sein.
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Über Bitwings

Wings Mobile ist ein extrem dynamisches Unternehmen, das sich auf die Kombination von Sicherheit und Technologie konzentriert. Daher kann es in einer Welt, die sich an neuen Technologien orientiert und weiterentwickelt, selbst in Finanzanwendungen den Sicherheitsproblemen, die das Universum der Kryptowährungen und sein Ökosystem betreffen, nicht gleichgültig sein. WINGS MOBILE MISSION ist die Schaffung von Geräten, die die CRYPTO SECURITY- und Privacy-Standards wesentlich verbessern können, ohne auf die Vorteile eines Betriebssystems verzichten zu müssen, das die Verwendung aller derzeit verfügbaren Anwendungen ermöglicht. Das Ziel von Wings Mobile ist es, innovative und sichere Lösungen für den Schutz der Privatsphäre und vertraulicher Daten anzubieten, indem die neuesten verfügbaren Technologien zur Entwicklung von Software verwendet werden, die ein zunehmendes Sicherheitsniveau und eine ständige Entwicklung aufweist. Wings Mobile integriert neuronale Technologie in seine neuen Geräte der X-Serie. das Sicherheitsniveau der entwickelten Software zu erhöhen und neue und zunehmend dynamische Lösungen zu schaffen, die einen besseren Schutz bieten. Darüber hinaus möchte das Unternehmen durch das auf einem realen und bestehenden Wirtschaftssystem basierende WINGS PAY-Zahlungssystem die tatsächliche Verwendung von BWN-Kryptowährungen als Zahlungsmittel einsetzen, um Produkte und Dienstleistungen von Wings Mobile zu erwerben. Damit positioniert sich WingMobile als eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen, das Kryptowährungen als Zahlungssystem im gesamten Ökosystem akzeptiert. Die Idee, durch die Kryptowährung (BITWINGS) ein echtes WINSGMOBILE-Ökosystem zu schaffen, beruht auf der Unterstützung neu entwickelter Technologien und des globalen Erweiterungsprogramms.



Revolucionar aún más el mundo de las criptomonedas y, al mismo tiempo, hacerlo masivamente accesible al mundo tradicional (democratizar).


Wings desarrolló un software exclusivo que protege permanentemente la privacidad, gracias a la integración de la tecnología neuronal. De esta manera, las llamadas telefónicas, fotos, videos, aplicaciones privadas y datos confidenciales, ya no pueden ser violados.


La AI (Inteligencia Artificial) permite predecir, identificar y eliminar las amenazas cibernéticas con una velocidad y eficiencia que no siempre es posible a través del análisis humano. Gracias a la implementación de la tecnología neuronal, Wings Mobile ofrece a sus dispositivos un mayor control, análisis y administración de seguridad.


Una solución de pago completa para tiendas físicas y en línea, que utiliza la tecnología blockchain con una nueva visión innovadora y completa gracias a la integración de WingsPos, un dispositivo con sistema operativo Android disponible en todas las tiendas.




Wings Store es una forma alternativa de franquicia. A diferencia de este último, no hay límites geográficos y el rol del afiliado es similar al de una franquicia principal. De esta manera, cada miembro con una Tienda Wings puede ofrecer afiliación a otros usuarios para lograr comisiones indirectas sobre ventas recientemente introducidas por personas de su equipo.



Wings, a través de su portal de comercio electrónico, ha creado un verdadero programa de afiliados conocido como Social Market, que tiene como objetivo monetizar la comunicación que los usuarios mantienen diariamente en las redes sociales (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) para publicar y compartir la publicidad de Wings Mobile. Para cada artículo comprado, Wings Mobile ofrece una comisión importante equivalente al 25% del valor del producto.



Además, para llegar a los usuarios comerciales de manera profesional, Wings Mobile creará una línea de distribución alternativa a través de agencias de ventas profesionales. Estas agencias normalmente operan comercialmente haciendo uso de canales de venta directa dirigidos a compañías, proponiendo contratos y ofertas telefónicas.



Wings Mobile sigue el modelo RIM (blackberry) que ofrece a los operadores de telecomunicaciones la posibilidad de comercializar sus dispositivos y los servicios exclusivos incluidos en el modo OEM o Co-Branding.

Bitwings Roadmap

  • 2Q 2017

  • Developed the first Safe Hybrid Technology;
    Wings Mobile wins “ALCI AWARDS” for Technological DESIGN.
  • 3Q 2017

  • Developed the first prototypes of W5
    and W2 smartphone;
    Wings Mobile presents the
    Social Market Project;
    Wings Mobile launches GSM Mobile
    Phone Services in Spain..
  • 4Q 2017

  • Developed the Wings back office;
    Development and design of Laptop
    Wings Book;
    Launched the W2 & W5 models in
    the spanish market
  • 1Q 2018

  • Wings Energy integration development, in Wings backoffice;
    Laptop Wings Book commercial launch.
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2Q 2018

  • Development of new wings suite
    software & new wings dialer version;
    Development of new W2+ & W5+
    technological drawings;
    Development new Wings Book line;
    Wings Energy commercial launch.
  • 3Q 2018

  • Prototype realization of W2 & W5
    Prototype realization of the new
    laptop Wings Book;
    ICO Bitwings technological
    Pre launch in Peru, Ecuador and
    Presentation of new smartphones
    W2 & W5 ;
    Presentation of new Wbook models.
  • 4Q 2018

  • New smartphone W6 development;
    Wings PAY blockchain system
    development (off-line pos system);
    Launch of business units of: Italia,
    Portugal, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador,
    Launch of the new smartphone W2 &
    W5 and of the new Wings Book Line;
    Launch crowdsale Bitwings.
  • 1Q 2019

  • Development of the new integrated softwares in the X-Generation series;
    Development of new devices x generation (WX & Xbook);
    Development of the Safe Core operating system;
    Launch new device W6;
    Participation in the Mobile World Congress;
    Launch of the new business units of: Francia, Germany, UK, Brazil, Mexico.
  • 2Q 2019

  • Prototype realization of the new X-Generation devices;
    Development Wings PAY blockchain system (on-line system);
    Launch of the new business units of: Austria, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Canada, Chile, USA.
  • 3Q 2019

  • Stress test of X-Generation devices;
    World launch new X-Generation devices;
    World launch of Wings PAY;
    Launch of the new business units of:
    Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Luxembourg,
    Poland, Romania, Bolivia, Panama,
    Paraguay, Uruguay.
  • 4Q 2019

  • Development of new W3 & W4 smartphone models;
    Launch of the new business units of: Croatia, Czech Rep., Slovenia, Slovacchia, Sweden, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras.

Bitwings Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Antonio Milio
CEO, Marketing Director & Co-Founder
Daniele Bianchini
Chairman & Co-Founder
Fabrizio Meli
General Manager
Francesco Macri
Institutional Relations
Andrea Della Balda
Global Business Development
Alessandro Traversar...
Technical Device Director
Sebastian Lucero
Raúl Lloveras
Director Marketing & Store
Vera Zhang
China Office Director
Kiko Serrano
Senior Graphic Designer
Domenico Cantone
Web Marketing Director
Marisa Ruiz
Financial Director
Maurizio Sorini
VAS Sales Director
David Gonzalez
Network Sales Director
Damian Tirante
Web Designer


Verifiziert 100%

Evan Luthra
Top Advisor & Tech Mentor
Marco Realini
Chen Ping Jhuang
Promoter Advisor

Bitwings Interviews

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Im Ceo of company, I am very proud to present Wings WX, the first phone in the world that undermines Etherium.
Thanks to a joint venture with one of our partners, Wings Mobile introduces an innovative technology for etherium mining within a telephone, allowing a very wide audience to produce etherium.
What do you think about idea?
Idea is simply fantastic. Wings Mobile not is only a idea.. but a company that has already demonstrated its capacity for production and development in the market.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder & President Wings Mobile I take care of the whole finance and audit part within the group .
What do you think about idea?
Wings Mobile & Bitwings will certainly be able to satisfy people's needs in a completely unique way
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am advising BitWings Company.
I will be sharing my expertise in the mobile and crypto space to make this project a success!
What do you think about idea?
Being one of the first 100 guys to build iPhone Apps and having built 100s of successful apps I can see the potential BitWings brings to the market.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the general manager and my role is to lead team operations as well as set policies, organization and the company budget in cooperation with CEO, CFO and corporation and local managers.
What do you think about idea?
Simply great. BitWings will allow WingsMobile to reach our goal and complete our mission: provide a state of art device within safe features and innovative solutions to the worldwide telco and consumer market.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the institutional relations advisor & consultant, I deal with relationships with large corporate and banking groups.
What do you think about idea?
I Trust in this project, is a very powerful revolution, based on a real market. I will push Wings Mobile in Europe.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Lead the Global Business Development to support markets growth demand of the innovative communications devices
What do you think about idea?
Antonio have a great energy and ideas to provide innovative communication tools that consumer desire
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Product manager ,hardware developer .
Responsible for the production of wings technology products.
Responsible after sales ad control.
Quality control Manager.
What do you think about idea?
The miner's phone is a revolution!!!!
Product safety is an increasingly important in data protection!!!
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm in charge of every software development on Wings Mobile, also I'm part of the R+D team, always looking for new challenges.
What do you think about idea?
It's a great idea, I love the concept of cryptocurrency linked to mobile devices. I think cryptocurrency will dominate the market for years to come.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Managing Director, Sales & Marketing.

I am in charge of planning and implementing sales, marketing and product development programs.
Develop and implement strategic marketing and sales plans and forecast to achieve corporate objectives for products and services.
I Manage sales/marketing operating budgets to meet changing markets and competitive conditions.
Meet with key clients and assist sales representatives
What do you think about idea?
I think Wings Mobile is more than a simple idea, it is a reality with amazing potential and opportunities for those who are ambitious and commited.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am Chinese Office Director, my main position is following each Wings Mobile product from researching to mass producing. Try my best to support our marketing team, and provide best WIngs Mobile products to our customers
What do you think about idea?
This idea is very advanced , can help you to create beautiful life.
I trust cryptocurrency is the currency of f the future
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I do the web design and graphic design, I am in charge of the project's image being at the height it deserves.
What do you think about idea?
The idea is fantastic and it is a dream for my power to work on a project that seeks to take the next step in improving the technology we use every day.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the Web Marketing Director and my task within the company obviously concerns the promotion and digital automation. We are the first ICO - and maybe digital company - to have developed an "Affiliation Robot Facebook Messenger"
What do you think about idea?
Our goal is to demonstrate that our company is innovative for its products but also for the methods we use to promote them.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Im a financial director in Wings Mobile, I have big experience in telecomunication financial service.
What do you think about idea?
Im very proud to be part of this big project. Bitwings & wings Mobile will be a big news in the blockchain world.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As my skill, I'm on the marketing side. Both for the Ice or the Wings Mobile project in which I organize the contents inside the platform
What do you think about idea?
Simply a great idea to join the innovations of our products together with a powerful cryptocurrency to create a dedicated eco-system.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Im a Senior Web Designer In Bitwings/Wingsmobile.I am also a senior 3D designer and web developer. I play a responsible role in the team.
What do you think about idea?
I think that Bitwings is a perfect bridge from Real economy to
crypto economy. Im very happy to work in this project
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Development of multimedia works, editing and creation of videos, development of 3d designs, websites, landing page, sales funnels, and others.
What do you think about idea?
Bitwings seems to me a revolutionary and at the same time very innovative project, it allows to obtain one of the few cryptocurrencies with project and guaranteed capital. In addition to being a company based on mobile technology, a product highly demanded and used worldwide.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an Advisor, I am happy to participate in this revolutionary project and to work with a company that is always committed to innovation.
What do you think about idea?
I think it's a great idea, MinePhone WX is a smartphone capable of mining using the protocol of validation of the blocks "Proof of Data" a unique project and of unthinkable realization until today.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an promote advisor in this project my job Make professional introductions to honest ICO rating sites.
Look for additional advisors and private investor
What do you think about idea?
I really like this project. The development team is very worthy. The road map sets clear goals for the project to reach a high level.

Bitwings Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 8
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

WINGS MOBILE is a mobile network operator, a software developer house and a producer of electronic products. Thanks to this triple activity, combined with a sophisticated sensibility aimed at cutting-edge leadership, it perfectly links the current needs of users with technological innovation, providing solutions and unique products in the world. It is an extremely dynamic company focused on “security-technology”. Therefore, in a world oriented and evolved towards new technologies, even in financial uses, WINGS MOBILE could not be indifferent towards security problems in the world of cryptocurrencies.


  • WINGS MOBILE is an experienced player with significant achievements. Since its foundation in 2007 until 2016, it has been competing in the wholesale Business To Business market, offering its services to the main telecommunications operators. In 2017, the organization decided to enter the Retail market, directly distributing its services and products to the end customer. On May 18, 2017, WINGS MOBILE has gained the ALCI AWARD as «Best Technological Design».
  • Some services of the company have long been known and available to users: WINGS MOBILE – A virtual mobile network operator in Spain. WINGS ENERGY – Retail energy retailer. Products that have been already developed and that are available in the market: WINGSPHONES, WINGSBOOK. Developed software and technology: WINGS SUITE, WINGS GUARDIAN, WINGS SECURE CALL, WINGS PLAY STORE and many others.
  • The WINGS company isn't going to rest on its laurels but develop new, unique products like WX smartphone (blockchain phone; the first neuronal hybrid phone; unique in the world for its highest level of security, both in terms of hardware and software) and WINGS X BOOK (triple factor authentication; “cold storage” cryptographic wallet incorporated in the hardware; built with neural technology). WINGS MOBILE new devices enter the neural era with the implementation of artificial intelligence.
  • A genuine security and authentic privacy, allowing WINGS MOBILE users to make telephone conversations not only in the most absolute anonymity but also avoiding the intrusion of hackers, government agencies or any “third party” from accessing or storing telephone conversations without authorization or, in a broader sense, communication flows.
  • WINGS MOBILE democratizes technology, working towards a fair price for smartphones and laptops that do not penalize people based on where they live.
  • The BITWINGS (BWN) is WINGS MOBILE token and is implemented in an intelligent ERC-20 contract connected to the blockchain of Ethereum. It is a true value deposit, backed by a guarantee of having its issuance value of                 $0.20, which is a protection against market fluctuations. The link between the innovative WINGS MOBILE project and Blockchain technology is represented by Wings Pay.
  • All WINGS MOBILE products, current and in progress, cannot only be purchased with the BWN token but, shall one decide to do so, they will have a 10% discount on the maximum retail price.
  • The project is led by a multidisciplinary and international team with ample experience in the management of business projects.
  • The WINGS whitepaper provides complete information about the project, the team, and the roadmap. It is also available in 3 languages (English, Chinese, Italian).


  • WingsPay accepts only such currencies as FIAT (credit card, debit card) and Bitwings Token. Crypto money of other kinds isn’t available.
  • The project token does not give its owners a right to take part in a decision making process.
  • Although WINGS MOBILE offers innovative and affordable devices, this niche market is already occupied by experienced, popular and successful companies that can become strong competitors for a little-known project.
  • WINGS MOBILE is developing a complex hardware and software project and its release may be delayed due to unforeseen development challenges.
  • The use of BWN tokens may be conditioned to the examination of governmental institutions. The tokens ownership may also be subject to new and unpredictable tax laws that may destroy the benefits of BWN.
  • Despite the fact that the project whitepaper is multilingual and contains all the necessary information, it may be difficult for perception by an unfamiliar user.


  • Include in the WingsPlay services the other cryptocurrencies (at least the most popular).
  • Motivate CINDX token holders by engaging in the decision-making process.
  • Develop the project, its products and services in order to be competitive in the modern technology market.
  • Rewrite the whitepaper to make it more understandable and informative.


The MISSION of WINGS MOBILE is to create devices capable of raising the standards of CRYPTO SECURITY. In addition, through WINGS PAY, which bases its foundations on a real economic system already underway, the company wants to implement the concept of USABILITY for all crypto users who wish to buy goods using their own digital currencies, but who currently cannot find online platforms or physical stores which would make that possible.

It is not an idea waiting to be concluded with the financial help of an Initial Currency Offer (ICO), but rather: it is an ongoing true innovative ecosystem whose acceptance is requiring a speed of implementation only attainable from the reinforcement of the ICO. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

Nov 14 2018
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