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Bitswift packs support and integration options for all of your application requirements.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • ProBit Global
    BITS/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.66
    $ 420.75
  • STEX
    BITS/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1744
    $ 0.1636
  • STEX
    BITS/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1863
    $ 0.2824
  • Bittrex Global
    BITS/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr

Über BitSwift

Much like the Internet was in its infancy, blockchain isn’t something we should be afraid of. In fact, until now, it has been misunderstood. The possible applications are so vast however, that blockchain is now recognized as being revolutionary for every aspect of our digital lives.
To simplify this Web3.0 solution, imagine an endless spreadsheet. Rather than saving this spreadsheet on your own computer, it is decentralized and encrypted on many computers across a vast network. Not only does this make your information secure by having it infinitely backed-up, but no one has the ability to corrupt or access the data without your personal key.

Not only does Bitswift blockchain embody these secure and stable attributes, but it has been running since 2014, an eternity when it comes to technology. Focused on business applications, Bitswift comes with a community and support network of tech pros that have been working with the blockchain since its inception. Bitswift is more than just a transaction. Bitswift is the future, with significant technological implications for accounting, health, governance, supply chain management, and much more.

Bitswift packs support and integration options for all of your application requirements.

Bitswift is secure and stable with a 4 year track record of continuous up time, availability, and community building. All of these attributes are backed by an experience and ever-expanding distributed support team.


We created our own blockchain company to support others interface and integrate into a token economy. We have experts on our team to help integrate your apps into Web3.0.

A distributed ledger backed by a distributed team of technology professionals who are here to help, support, educate, and integrate.

Bitswift is at the leading edge of applying blockchain technology to everyday business use.

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