

Created using Figma
“Bitcoin as the Valentine Day’s gift” is the project inspiration of BitcoinGift. It is
simple but unexpectedly high demand because "who does not like to receive Bitcoin
daily as a Valentine gift."
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To be announced
Weitere Details

Über BitcoinGift

High Demand

BitcoinGift is one of the best gifts for Valentine Day, hence its demand will be very high.


Strategic Choice

We choose strategically Bitcoin as your rewards because it is a long term appreciating asset.


Massive Gain

Potential of massive gain when BitcoinGift market capital is rallying.


Sky-High Reflections

Bitcoin auto-reward is sky high. 7.5% from all buy transactions + 7.5% from all sell transactions.

Why Choose Us

About BitcoinGift

This is the project inspiration of BitcoinGift. It is simple but with unexpectedly high demand because "who does not like to receive Bitcoin daily as a Valentine gift".

It is not 1-time gift, by holding BitcoinGift, you continuously receive Bitcoin as the gift day after day. These are the auto-rewards from all the buy/sell transaction taxes from BitcoinGift.

Fair launching on Valentine Day, 14th Feb, 1:40 pm UTC, do buy BitcoinGift for yourself (self-love) & for your loved ones (spouse, partner, family members & friends).


13.5% Buy Slippage

  • 7.5% BTC auto reflections
  • 5% Marketing & Development
  • 1% Auto Liquidity Pool

13.5% Sell Slippage

  • 7.5% BTC auto reflections
  • 5% Marketing & Development
  • 1% Auto Liquidity Pool

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