Bitcoin Pay

Bitcoin Pay

Created using Figma
Bitcoin Pay is a triple point asset: it’s a store of value, a capital asset, and a consumable asset.
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To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Bitcoin Pay


  • Connect your wallet with exchange where you access your crypto
  • Withdraw cash at ATM
  • Pay with both Visa & Master Card
  • Free plastic card for payment by one tap
  • Get cashbacks from making payments by Bitcoin Pay wallet


ull control over your Money

(Bitcoin Pay gives you full control over your crypto which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. There is no need to depend on any bank and their working hours with huge turnaround time)



The supply coin will decrease over time and every transaction due to automatic burn which make the token more scarce and increase its value. This represents sound money



Bitcoin Pay offers immense privacy depending on how it is used since it’s impossible to know who controls Bitcoin Pay address. No middlemen, No third party and no sharing of personal information like Passport ID, Phone number, address & bank account


Borderless transactions

Bitcoin Pay network is always on as it is based on Blockchain. Where the transaction is too big or small, no permission or approval is required


Almost Free

With Bitcoin Pay, no one needs to pay any Merchant fees, Subscription fees & Transfer Fees. Only Network fees is applicable.


Exclusive Discounts

Due to strategic acquisitions with various merchants worldwide, Bitcoin Pay users will get discounts. Also, it’s a win for merchants as it eliminates the credit card fees


No permission

Bitcoin Pay Is a permissionless, open network and decentralized in nature which never requires permission from any third party because Bitcoin Pay has their own servers and own nodes to validate the transactions



Create and send invoices from Bitcoin Pay requesting payment for goods and services in Crypto

Bitcoin Pay Roadmap

  • 1

  • Website Building
    Bulding Social Media Networks
    Deploying The Contract
    Ownership Announce on Bscscan
  • 2

  • Launching Bitcoinpay on Pancakeswap 100% Liquidity Lock
    50% Tokens locked for Two years
  • 3

  • Listing on Coinmarket Cap
    Launching a Air Drop on Coinmarket cap
    Listing on Coingecko
  • 4

  • Building a Strong
    Community 25000 BTCPAY Holders
    50000Twitter Followers
    100000 Telegram Subscribers
  • Weiterlesen
  • 5

  • Launching on Centralised Exchanges
    -Hotbit - BitMart -Huobi
  • 6

  • Launching Bitcoinpay wallet
    Launching Bitcoin Pay Dex
    Launching Bitcoinpay Exchange

Bitcoin Pay Letzte Nachrichten

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