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Bitcastle (all lowercase) is a global crypto-to-crypto exchange platform launched on 11 July 2019.
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Über BitCastle

 Notable features of the platform include 0% transaction fee for major currency pairs, and the High&Low binary trading option. Several High&Low modes are included, among which the Lightning mode, which allows users to see return on their investment in as little as 5 seconds.

With a clear interface, transaction fee-free trading of major pairs and the simplicity of the High&Low feature, bitcastle aims to be a platform that can be enjoyed by both seasoned traders as well as beginners.

CASTLE is bitcastle’s native token. CASTLE can be used in the future as a means to reduce transaction fees on the platform by up to 50%. By regularly buying back and burning some of the tokens, the volume will decrease and the value increase

Anytime, Anywhere Trade Cryptocurrency bitcastle uses the latest technology for fast and safe trading on both mobile and PC platforms. Trade with confidence with our super fast matching engine system.

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