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Binance is the world’s leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider with a financial product suite that includes the largest digital asset exchange by volume. Trusted by millions worldwide, the Binance platform is dedicated to increasing the freedom of money for users, and features an unmatched portfolio of crypto products and offerings, including: trading and finance, education, data and research, social good, investment and incubation, decentralization and infrastructure solutions, and more.
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Über Binance

Today, Binance is the world’s leading blockchain ecosystem, with a product suite that includes the largest digital asset exchange. Our Mission is to be the infrastructure service provider in crypto.

In our view, there are fundamentally two different types of exchanges: the ones that deal with fiat currency; and the ones that deal purely in crypto. It is the last one that we will focus on. Even though they are small now, we strongly believe that pure crypto exchanges will be bigger, many times bigger, than fiat based exchanges in the near future. They will play an ever more important role in world finance and we call this new paradigm Binance ; Binary finance. With your help, Binance will build a world-class crypto exchange, powering the future of crypto finance.

The platform accepts users from around the world and has received favorable reviews from the crypto community. The exchange has also partnered with 3rd party companies such as Simplex, to allow credit card and wire transfer purchases of cryptocurrencies at a premium. US users must trade , which differs slightly from the Binance service available to the rest of the world – however it is much more compatible with US trade regulations.


Binance Exchange
Binance Exchange is the largest crypto exchange by trade volume.

BNB Chain
BNB Chain is a community-driven blockchain software system with developers and contributors from all over the world.

Trust Wallet
The official wallet of Binance, Trust Wallet, is a secure, decentralized wallet where users can send, receive and store their digital assets.

Binance Research provides institutional-grade research reports, data-driven insights and analysis for investors in the crypto space.

Binance Exchange is the largest crypto exchange by trade volume.

Binance Labs is an infrastructure impact fund and an initiative to incubate, invest in, and empower blockchain projects.

Binance Charity
Binance Charity is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to advancing blockchain-enabled philanthropy and global sustainable development.

Binance Academy is an open-access learning hub, providing free blockchain and crypto education in more than 20 languages.

Binance Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Changpeng Zhao
CEO at Binance

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