BigBull Metaverse

BigBull Metaverse

Created using Figma
To be announced
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Über BigBull Metaverse

The market has grown really quickly. Invest in cryptocurrencies because they allow users to instantly access money, make purchases, conduct trades, and enjoy many other benefits. The Bigbull Metaverse is where the Internet will go in the future. Meeting up with friends and going to meetings at the office might provide you real-world experience in the metaverse as you work on a task. With the use of blockchain technology, we operate a global network that streamlines and transparentizes your transactions.

What is metaverse

A permanent online 3D universe that combines numerous virtual locations is referred to as the “metaverse.” Think of it as the internet in the future. The metaverse will enable users to work together, interact, socialise, and play in these 3D environments. The metaverse will run on augmented reality, with each user managing an avatar or character. For instance, you could use an Oculus VR headset to host a mixed reality conference in your virtual office, finish your job and unwind in a game based on the blockchain, and then manage your cryptocurrency portfolio and finances all within the metaverse.

BigBull Metaverse Roadmap

  • Concept Design
  • Airdrop
    Private Sale
  • Public Sale
    Metaverse Development
  • Public Exchange Listing
    Coinmarketcap And Trust Wallet Listing

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