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BEST is a project whose development direction is decided by all investors, and the project TG led by investors
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100% abgeschlossen
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Limit 80.00
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It is a token about the DAO ecological metaverse, and it is also a token that allows investors to get more free tokens through their own efforts to promote If you want to get more, then you have to work harder, only by working together can BEST reach the moon faster.

The goal of this project is to create a community based on trust and transparency, and use our influence to create a better tomorrow. We will have ongoing projects through our charity wallet which will encourage people to be a part of the project.

The best way of marketing is to let all investors voluntarily promote it, and you can also publish BEST on all marketing platforms. Only in this way can we let more people know about BEST. Of course, the project party will also cooperate with the implementation of some paid marketing programs. It’s a way of investing that revolutionizes decentralized exchanges, with the goal of getting more people onboard, more unemployed and crypto-loving enthusiasts, while waiting for the price to rise to make a profit while still offering A way to make a profit if you put in the effort.

BEST DAO Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • - Pinksale Public Presale
    - Pancakeswap Launch
    - Development & Marketing
    - 2000 Holders
    - 2000 Telegram Members
    - Social Media Expansion
    - Merch and giveaways
  • Phase 2

  • - NFT development and special releases
    - Ongoing marketing & influencer partnership
    - 5000 Holders
    - 5000 Telegram Members
    - Dapp development
    - Air Drops
  • Phase 3

  • - Additional NFT development and releases
    - Huge Marketing Campaigns
    - 10000 Holders
    - 10000 Telegram Members
  • Phase 4

  • - Best
    - Staking and lotteri
    - Huge giveaways
    - Launch of "NFT game"

BEST DAO Letzte Nachrichten

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