

Created using Figma
Hold the Bela token in your wallet in order to earn more, and generate income from transaction fees. Each transaction such as a buy, sell will reward you instantly in your wallet.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Weitere Details

Über Bela

Rewarding Holders

Each transaction is taxed 5%, of that 3% is distributed among holders and 2% is burned and removed from the supply.

Fair Distribution

The income fees you receive in your wallet will be calculated based on the number of Bela tokens you hold in your wallet compared to other holders, this increases your earning power!

Incentivised Structure

With a strong combination of supply burning, transaction taxes, and rewarding of Bela token holders via smart contracts, Bela is set to generate long term gains.

Decentralised Contracts

All Bela token rewards managed and executed by smart contracts that award income fees to holders automatically and securely.

Bela Letzte Nachrichten

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