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Transforming Real World Assets On The Blockchain. Banknet is treading on the path of crafting an Ethereum governed ecosystem which will apply blockchain technologies to three of the most prominent industries – banking, insurance and real estate.
Public Sale Duration
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 2 500 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 50 000 000.00 USD
Public Pre-Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Weitere Details

Über Banknet

Banknet is treading on

the path of crafting

An Ethereum governed ecosystem which will apply blockchain technologies to three of the most prominent industries – banking, insurance and real estate – noting that they are under the influence of several shortcomings which can be done away with by incorporating innovation. This way Banknet will be tapping into a market filled with upcoming opportunities.

Banknet is treading

an Ethereum governed ecosystem

The term “banking” has existed for as long as we can remember. However, the most impactful shortcoming of this industry was that, that it is known for its “classic” methods – which was being used ever since the industry’s inception. Since digitization is on the rise – this industry could not elude utilizing artificial intelligence or innovative technology which is helping other industries boom.

  • Future contract trading
  • Trading within the whole network
  • Over-the-Counter
  • A new era of trading
  • Easy access


Why Banknet?

Five separate divisions inclusive of the global banking, cryptocurrency lending and real estate platform, a global insurance operator and a currency exchange accompanied by free procurement of five different currencies.

Ample Potential

The cryptocurrency exchnage platform alone has the potential of channelizing a market capitalization worth $1.3 billion. The worth multiplies when we speak of the company as a whole.

Success Model

The ultimate integration and combination of financial products and services with tokenization of real estate asset could turn banknet in due time to be a giant corporation with unimaginable market capitalization.

Reward Distribution Program

The official token (bku) holders are subject to rewards – 25 per cent of the total proceeds of the bst tokens in the form of the bst token, itself. The market price stabilization index of this platform allows to tackle risk associated with the coin by releasing unused funds to avoid destabilization and volatility.

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