Created using Figma
Bali Token was created to help all Balinese Economy with the Tokenomics. This project will help million of Balinese and will help all the worker, society, and government to stay strong during covid-19 outbreak. Please Follow our social media and get updated.
To be announced
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Bali Token Is Balinese Hope And Indonesian Hope

Introducing The First Bali Token For Bali World Crypto Center (BWCC) Project.

On May 2021 majority visitor to Bali was crypto Trader Professional from all over the world. Positive impact was rising on Blockchain Development for Digital Asset.

Bali Token is Utility Token who can help hotel, restaurant, transportation and other tourism sector to raise again with Bali Token.

Connect with all of the Bali Token Ecosystem.

You can use Bali Token for Every needs in Bali. Starts from Discount for your hotel, taxi,hospitals, educations, foods, electricity bills, water sport, property, money exchange, and other transactions.

Bali Token ecosystem created to support all of the Bali Token Holders. Tokenomy can help bali back to normal.

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