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BabyDogeEarn - Earn BabyDoge for holding our token and benefit from 7.5% babydoge rewards + 3.5% AutoBoost
To be announced
3T lnitial supply

- 3.5% AutoBoost

- 7.5% BabyDoge Rewards

- 1% Marketing

• LP locked + renounced ownership
Weitere Details

Über BabyDogeEarn

BabyDogeEarn - Earn BabyDoge for holding our token and benefit from rewards + AutoBoost 

At BabyDogeEarn we want all new members to feel welcome whether you are a holder of BabyDoge or you are a new investor looking for an opportunity to 100x your portfolio . The team and community are the driving force of the project , which is backed by a full development team and marketing team prepared to work on the project and make major improvements as we prepare for our launch . The team will answer all questions you have and concerns with also AMA voice chats to keep you guys updated on the latest news .

Our aim is to reach the wider audience and becoming well known across the globe as we expand . Marketing will be laid out on all platforms , with a professional marketing team who is capable of expanding this token to a worldwide platform 

We look to build a strong platform from the beginning and to reward our early community members with tokens and crypto rewards . The team have set out a full roadmap in what they wish to achieve in the upcoming months ahead and we look forward to you joining us on our journey .


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