Baby Floki Inu

Baby Floki Inu

Created using Figma
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Baby Floki Inu

Baby Floki Inu, the original Floki Inu coin on BSC is aiming to be the biggest community-driven doge coin on the market. Named by its beloved father, Elon Musk, the potential for this adorable little baby puppy is limitless. With Baby Floki Inu being a Hyper-deflationary coin the holders will get rewarded automatically with every transaction just by holding it in their wallet!

Auto Liquidity

7% of each transaction is sent to liquidity and locked. This creates better security long term.

Frictionless Yield

3% tax for every transaction which is distributed to holders as a reward. You earn passive income just by hodling the token.

With our proprietary frictionless yield system, holders benefit from a 3% redistribution of EVERY trade, in simple terms, every time somebody places a trade 3% of that trade is distributed amongst every Bfloki holder.

Baby Floki Inu Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Deployment of the Baby Floki Inu smart contract
    Community growth and engagement
    Listing on small - mid tier coin trackers (Coinhunt, Coinsniper)
    Initial marketing campaign with influencers, advertisements and competitions
  • Phase 2

  • Release of White-Paper
    Implementation of aggressive social media marketing campaign
    Listing on portfolio trackers (CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko)
  • Phase 3

  • Website upgrades
    Implementation of upgrades to the smart contract to further reward holders
    Continue to focus on community expansion with rewards, competitions and giveaways

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