Baby Fantom

Baby Fantom

Created using Figma
Baby Fantom is the only token on BSC that rewards you with FTM!Buy hodl and get a buttload of FTM automatically deposited into your wallet 9% on EVERY transaction
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Über Baby Fantom

Holding Baby Fantom is the easiest way to accumulate FTM. The fastest and hottest coin in the cryptoverse. FTM right now is one of the hottest coins top 50 coins in the entire crypto universe. They’ve increased in value by 2000% in less than 3 months.

Not only is FTM a fast, high-throughput open-source smart contract platform for digital assets and dApps, Fantom’s aBFT consensus protocol delivers unparalleled speed, security, and reliability. Enjoy almost instant transactions and extremely low fees.

By holding Baby Fantom, you will get automatic airdrops every 60 minutes of Fantom straight to your wallet!

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