AT Finance

AT Finance

Created using Figma
AT Finance will bring opportunities to everyone.
To be announced
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Über AT Finance

AT Finance has a unique burning mechanism automatically sent to burn address with every transaction. Burning tokens essentially eliminate them from the available stock, making them more expensive.

When a token is excluded from the current pool of cryptocurrencies in circulation, it is said to be burned. $AT will run for a total of 148 cycles.

As people transact, the sum of tokens in your wallet will continue to grow indefinitely. The burn rate for AT Finance is from 5% to 12%.

This burn will cause a positive rebase when the total burned tokens exceed the target threshold and distributing 50% of the burnt supply to token holders.

AT Finance is a technology that is developed to achieve the vision of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that were meant to step in by creating a clever, strong, and easy to use banking system that can be accessed by anybody in the crypto world.


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