Astro Pussy

Astro Pussy

Created using Figma
Passively earn free BNB just by holding AstroPussy tokens in your wallet!
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Über Astro Pussy

Astro Pussy Moon Mission

Earn BNB just by holding$AP

Mr. Whiskers, a lonely cat rocket scientist in the middle of nowhere decided to fuck around and send a rover to the moon. In his exhibition, he discovered that there is indeed water on the moon! Trying to test his luck, whiskers decided to go search of the wettest pussy. Come join us as we rocketblast to the moon!


12% Redistribution in BNB

12% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all $AP holders. Hold 10,000 or more $AP tokens and passively earn BNB.

Auto Paid Every 30 Minutes

 The pussies do the work for you. You don’t need to claim your earned BNB. It’s automatically sent to your wallet every 30 minutes. MEOW!

Liquidity Pool

3% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It's automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).

100% SaFu

 Liquidity will be locked with DXSALE for more than x months. The contract is being audited by TECHRATE before the presale.

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