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Letztes Update


Artrade aims to become the first social network for the NFT market !

Über Artrade

Artrade is the first web and mobile
application that empowers users to
view, reference, keep, buy, and create
NFTs in the easiest way possible.

Artrade aims to be as mainstream
as possible. Our application is inspired
from the sophisticated user experience
of the most frequently used social media.

Above all, the platform:
› Makes NFT technology accessible to all;
› Supports the charity world and the environment;
› Responsibly mints NFTs;
› Innovates with features such as NFT Reals and NFT Live.
› NFT plateform with smartphone app
› Fully compatible with the #ETH NFT market
› NFT mint for free

Artrade Roadmap

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Artrade Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind



Weibel Paul
CEO - Founder
Gilles Boenisch
Cédric Dubucq
Quentin Herbrecht
Louis Margot-Duclot
Alexandre Mahe
Beaufils Rémi
Arneodo Fabien
Margot Pagès
Gina Chiquillo
Blockchain Expert
Kei-Leo Brousmiche
R&D Blockchain
Cédric Ouvrard
Project Manager
Bruno Damey
Director of Operations
Aurélien Picollier
Financial Advisor
Maxime Vanmeerbeck
Blockchain Advisor
Alexis Figiel
Blockchain Advisor
Guillaume Micouin
Marketing Advisor
Benjamin Spark
Art Advisor
Javier Soler
Art Advisor

Artrade Interviews

Gilles Boenisch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO -co-pilot to the moon- of Artrade.
I am passionate about art and new technologies.
I am here to change the world of art with the NFTs!
What do you think about idea?
NFTs are an introduction to a gigantic artistic revolution.
Artrade and its original "artist-centric" innovations open up completely exciting and original possibilities!
Weibel Paul
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m the Founder of Artrade and will do my best to bring the app to the top.
I’m building a strong team everyday to reach our target and do my best for the ICO to succeed.
What do you think about idea?
Artrade is the first social network for the NFT market which is awesome for artists all around the world.
Arneodo Fabien
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I was in charge of marketing, communication and product strategy.
I create all the plan and tactics for a expert execution
What do you think about idea?
The idea is brillant. Now the team have to lead a perfect execution of the plan. The development is the key

Artrade Letzte Nachrichten

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