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The ARNILLA STUDIOS brand has been formed under the overarching objective of building a singular community which supports startup NFT projects, whilst rewarding our existing NFT holders through a number of ‘utility’ plans.
To be announced
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The ARNIES and XZLLAS NFT projects on the XRPL have been very successful to date. To maintain this success, it is of paramount importance that we continue to bring value to our community and NFT holders. The developers are now at a crossroads and plan to expand the existing collections into an NFT brand ("Arnilla Studios") which will add value to our
holders through a number of utility proposals. Arnilla Studios will be a hub for NFT projects, where communities can come together and interact within one ecosystem. Through our experience and connections we believe we can develop a blue-chip NFT community brand, comprised of NFT enthusiusts and developers from multiple communities. In the long-term, this may include NFT collections on other blockchains (subj. to community input). With the evolution of countless metaverses being developed across different blockchains, we will assess (with the help of our community) the ideal blockchain/metaverse development to establish a community hub. This may involve developing our own metaverse project. This is considered an important long-term goal. As the Arnilla Studios brand continues to grow, there will be opportunities to join the development and communication team to facilitate growth and brand exposure.


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Dayne Barber
Anthony Luke
Social Media Moderators

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