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ApolloRebase (APR) is a project born out of the need for reliable price rises amongst a sea of volatility and red candles.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über ApolloRebase

We've created a token and a community you can join with confidence. ApolloRebase (APR) token is mathematically designed to increase in price every hour, allowing you to be worry-free knowing your investment is protected through a constantly increasing liquidity pool solidifying the price floor.

- 2% BUSD REWARD is applied to each transaction (buy or sell) and shared between holders.
- 2% added to liquidity provision to create a solid price and secure a portion of the volume for holders.
- 2% to DEV is applied to each transaction (buy or sell) and sent directly into develpment team wallet.
- 5% to marketing budget to support the growth of the APOLLOREBASE community.

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