

Created using Figma
AO Libre is a collaborative project using open-source. You are invited to participate by making modifications to the code.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über aolibre

Crypto space

₿lockchain Development

ARGENTUMS NFTs Collection is the first step in our mission to help Argentum Online thrive thanks to the blockchain technology. We are developing a Metaverse around all the servers that use AO Libre, so your NFTs will be re-usable between servers.

On top of that, we’re creating the $AOLB BEP-20 token that’ll serve as the backbone of the platform. We are on a Crowdsale/Pre-Sale of the token which represents just the 5% of the Total Cap in others words this is the early-bird stage.



Ten viajero, acepta este ropaje, estas bebidas y manzanas. Ahora toma tus cosas y emprende viaje, un nuevo mundo te está esperando, hazte de amigos y enemigos y vive una nueva aventura en las fantásticas tierras de este mundo llamado... Argentum Online



aolibre Roadmap

  • 2020

  • 1. Reset of the main server (Restoration of the Game World Event)
    2. Launch episode 2 of the saga
    3. Public recognition from the original creator Pablo Marquez aka "Gulfas Morgolock"
    4. Metaverse related: Use and creation of custom worlds/maps for custom servers
    5. A lot of new additions in the game, improvement of the sdk tools, etc.
    6. Update Documentations.
    7. Infraestructure changes, including a set of Dev Ops skills into the project.
  • 2021

  • 1. Pre-sale AO Libre (AOL) Tokens within the community.
    2. Start tokemonics plan
    3. Create a white paper.
    4. Active maintenance of the game.
  • 2022

  • 1.Active maintenance of the game.
    2. Reset of the main server (Restoration of the Game World Event)
    3. Launch episode 3 of the saga
    4. Listed in CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko.
    5. Listed in Public Exchanges.
    6. Metaverse NFTs integration. [Items you own are usable in every server.]
    7.AO Marketplace (MAO)
    8.NFT Marketplace (Metaverse, DAPP)
    9.Metaverse, download server resources on the fly (Like CS 1.6)
    10.Implement mechanics for play-to-earn.
    11. Championship Beginning Season main server.
    12.Championship Mid of Season main server.
    13. Championship End of Season main server.
    14. Real Estate 1st public sale.
    15. Creation of our own mineable coin (AO Coin) (bitcoin/litecoin/dogecoin fork)

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