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AntiBank ist ein weltweites Finanzsystem, das auf künstlicher Intelligenz, Blockchain und intelligenten Vertragstechnologien basiert. Es ist eine transparente und korruptionslose Alternative zum heutigen Weltbankensystem. Das AntiBank-System zielt darauf ab, alle Funktionen des aktuellen undurchsichtigen und korrupten Bankensystems auszuführen, um es zu ersetzen. Damit beginnt eine neue Ära in der Finanzbranche.

AntiBank hilft Kunden, unabhängig von Standort und Tageszeit, schnell, einfach und bequem Kryptowährungsdarlehen aufzunehmen, Kryptowährungen für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu bezahlen, Kryptowährungen auf Konten zu speichern (Geldbörsen) ohne Vermittlung des derzeitigen veralteten Bankensystems, das dem neuen Anti-Bankensystem weichen sollte.
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Über AntiBank

Unser Unternehmen AntiBank arbeitet im Bereich der kurzfristigen Kredite der Kryptowährung P2P ohne Kreditinstitute. In unserer Plattform verwenden wir einen intelligenten Vertrag, Artificial Intelligence und Blockchain-Technologie. Die Menschen haben die Möglichkeit, Kryptowährungsdarlehen schnell und zuverlässig direkt an andere Personen zu vergeben und zu vergeben, wobei das unfaire System von Banken und Steuerkorruption umgangen wird. Die Menschen selbst werden Interesse wecken und die Marktsituation einschätzen. Wer ein großes Interesse wecken wird, wird der Verlierer sein. Es ist eine neue Ära in der Kryptowährung, die Bank und der Wucherkredit gehen in die Vergangenheit.

Smart Contract ist ein Open Source-Algorithmus, der in der Blockchain aufgezeichnet wird. Nach Erhalt von Bitcoin gibt der Smart Contract ein AB-Token aus, das weltweit für P2P-Kredite rund um die Uhr eingesetzt wird. Danach ist Ihr Bitcoin jederzeit vollständig durch den Smart Contract geschützt und kehrt sofort zurück, wenn die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist. Die künstliche Intelligenz-Technologie wird zur Berechnung der Vertrauensbewertung des Kreditnehmers verwendet und hilft dem Anleger im Falle der Nichtrückzahlung eines Kredits. Die Bewertung der Bewertung des Kreditnehmers ist Scoring. Die Bewertung beginnt mit der Sammlung von Informationen. Die extrahierten Informationen werden durch spezielle Big Data-Algorithmen strukturiert. Die strukturierten Daten werden an das Information Processing Center gesendet, wo sie mittels Machine-Learning analysiert werden und als Grundlage für die Berechnung der Bonität dienen. Das künstliche Intelligenzsystem arbeitet überfällige Schulden durch ständige Kommunikation mit dem Schuldner und seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Verwandten. In der Praxis wird der Anteil der zurückgezahlten Darlehen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Methoden verdoppelt.


Durch AntiBank können Sie schnell, einfach, bequem und ohne angemessene Sicherheiten (P2P-Darlehen) zu fairen Bedingungen (Zinsen, Konditionen, Beträge) rund um die Uhr weltweit ein P2P-Darlehen erhalten. Mit AntiBank haben Sie die Möglichkeit, dank des ID-Passes des AB-Systems und der Möglichkeit, in den Handel mit Kryptowährungen, in den Kauf von Bergbaumaschinen oder in die digitale Welt zu investieren, eine neue Kreditgeschichte zu erstellen. Bequemes funktionelles persönliches Büro, Geldbörse mit mehreren Währungen, sofortige Kryptowährung & ndash; schaffen komfortable Bedingungen in der Welt von Blockchain.

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AntiBank Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Jan Larsen
Per Jensen
Sophie Morel
Wang Li
Technical Director


Verifiziert 100%

Semih Basaran

AntiBank Interviews

Jan Larsen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
- Knowledge of tax legislation, accounting and tax accounting.
- Skill in development, implementation and management accounting.
- Ability to develop financial and economic models.
- Experience in the analysis, planning and regulation of financial and economic activities.
- Skill of planning and control over the execution of budgets.
- Knowledge of types of prime cost, pricing methods.
- Experience in the preparation of analytical reports.
What do you think about idea?
AntiBank is artificial intelligence in the world of finance.

AntiBank (AB) will replace the current banking system with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and blockchain technology.
Per Jensen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Drawing up of plans of expenses for the future period (budgeting);

Control over the compliance of spending of funds with the adopted plans (budget control);

Consideration of applications for payment;

Maintenance and control of cash flows, introduction of information in the accounting program;

Formation of the register of payments, maintenance of the payment calendar;

Work with contracts, control the fulfillment of conditions;

Charging w / n, bonuses, interest;

Work with banks (preparation of documents for lending, placement of free cash);

Provision of information to banks on request;

Maintenance of the schedule of payments for repayment of loans, payment of interest;

Mutual settlements with suppliers;

Management reporting (DPS, profit and loss account, balance sheet);
What do you think about idea?
AntiBank is a worldwide financial system based on artificial intelligence, blockchain, and smart contract technologies. It is transparent and corruptionless alternative to contemporary world banking system. AntiBank system aims to perform all functions of the current non-transparent and corrupt banking system in order to replace it. This will start a new era in the financial industry.
AntiBank will help clients, both people and businesses, regardless of their location and time of day, fast, easy and convenient take and give crypto-currency loans to each other, pay crypto-currencies for goods and services, store crypto-currencies in accounts (wallets) without the mediation of the current outdated banking system, which should give way to the new anti-banking system.
Jan Larsen, Founder & CEO of AntiBank , said, "We believe that AntiBank will make the financial industry more transparent and corruptionless and that users of AntiBank system will benefit from coming change. Besides, for a wide audience our project opens the door to the Blockchain World of the Future with the help of the special crypto-currency p2p-lending without collateral and without risk, on the basis of AI and machine-learning.”
Sophie Morel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Ability to develop and implement promotional strategies in line with company objectives and profile;

Ability to conduct negotiations and business correspondence;

Knowledge of the features of offline and online sites, the ability to use them effectively;

Organizational skills, interpersonal skills, ability to analyze and adjust plans developed for brand promotion;

Resistance to stress, ability to work in multitasking mode.
What do you think about idea?
New technologies, such as blockchain technology, crypto-currencies, smart contracts and AI technologies, will replace bankers, bank employees and government officials with open source computer programs.

And all these people need to be replaced with programs, because the current bankers and government officials brought the life of mankind to the point that now 1% of the world's population owns more than 80% of the wealth, and this share increases over time.
Such an unjust world order soon will inevitably collapse, despite its resistance, and a new world order will emerge, based on the new and rapidly developing technologies listed above.

p2p-lending is the lending over the Internet and without the intermediation of banks, it is the future of lending, it is a part of the oncoming new reality built on AI technologies, crypto-currencies and smart contracts, without modern banks and states.
Wang Li
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Just a couple
1)了解主要的編程語言。 HTML,CSS,JavaScript,DHTML,HTML 5,最新的W3C標準,包括數據庫中的音頻和視頻附件。


3)了解富Internet應用程序(RIAS)。 Flash,AIR和Flex。 Microsoft Silverlight和JavaFX,提供Internet功能。 AJAX。

4)了解如何創建Web服務或將第三方實現集成到項目中。 XML,SOAP,JSON,REST。

5)動態編程語言。過去三十年來,新的編程語言不斷湧現。有些仍然脫穎而出,特別是那些專注於動態功能的,如Python,F#,Groovy,Ruby,Ruby On Rails。


of words
What do you think about idea?
Just a couple of wordsThe sources for collecting information for scoring are, first of all, data from public sources. For individuals, one can use also, for example, data from utilities suppliers, electricity providers, mobile operators, data from social networks, etc.
Data on individuals are personal data (passport data, marital status, etc.), financial data (amount of income, place of work, position), etc.
Data on legal entities are data on business reputation, market situation, etc., as well as economic data (indicators of financial stability, profitability, etc.).

The database of AB-ecosystems first receives unstructured information, not tied to individuals and organizations. For further processing of information, it needs to be streamlined and structured so that the AI algorithm can correctly analyze it and draw conclusions. The algorithm of data structuring is based on the comparison of the main indicators in the databases, and on the basis of coincidences it creates a ‘AntiBank ID-passport’.
Semih Basaran
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Support and finalization of the database of the plant on FoxPro (establishment of users, backup, correction of errors, writing of reports and forms)
Web development and maintenance of the plant site, used HTML, CSS, PhotoShop, Flash, small blocks in JavaScript, PHP
Installation, update of accounting software "SBISS", etc.
Administration of the server server MS Server 2003 (creating user accounts, joining the PC to the domain, installing antivirus, opening ports, replacing the server components)
Setting up user workplaces, installing the OS on a PC and the necessary programs
What do you think about idea?
Progress in the field of AI has reached such a stage now that AI is able to help not only make decisions about whether to issue a loan or not to issue, but also how to return overdue loans.
Our system analyzes data on borrowers and their friends available on the Internet, and then communicates with the borrower by phone with the help of a talking robot. Conversations are recorded and analyzed using an algorithm that then determines the wording that is most likely to have an effect on the borrower and will cause the debt to be repaid. The system also communicates with his friends and with their help asks the borrower to return the money. In practice, the share of loans returned using AI is doubled compared to conventional methods.
Thus, we will help our Investors not only correctly and impartially assess the risk when investing, but we will also help them in case of non-repayment of the loan.

In general, the use of AI allows solving the tasks of calculating a rating of a borrower (scoring) and repaying overdue loans much more efficiently than without using AI.

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